hi, is the below true ? 
i guess not. but anyone heard of DDS Industries which the person who send
me the email claimed that it is ? and he asked me to invest in it...

I am associated with an international transportation and logistics company
called DDS Industries, LTD.  DDS Industries works with clients all over
the world in providing transportation and logistics solutions.
With the setup of the E-gold network, DDS Industries has been working with
it’s clients to convert over to the E-gold network to settle
transportation and logistics charges instead of using banks and letters of
credit, and the change of different types of currency.

Beginning September 1st DDS will launch a clearing house program for its
clients and that will use E-Gold to settle transportation and logistics
charges instead of bank letters of credit and currency exchange.

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

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