Unfortunately this is not really about America, Ben.

I just got an email from my friend Mike in suburban New York.

His neighbor, who I know well, had 1,000 employees killed on the 52 
floor of Tower 2.

Do you have any sympathy about that Ben?

Typical email I just got

At 6:45 PM -0400 9/12/01, nick wrote:
>I called JoAnn at her office. As someone picked up, the first tower
>imploded, and the person answering the phone screamed and ran out, leaving
>me no clue as to whether or not she or JoAnn would live.

There are lots of naive, socialistic people in funny little naive 
socialistic countries that hate America, and they can and should have 
a fun little gloat that the world's greatest buildings - in America, 
of course - have been blown up.

This is only to be expected, and it's not even annoying at all, 
because funny little naive socialistic people are funny little naive 
socialistic people and that's how their bitter little minds work.

This is, quite simply:

An attack against capitalism and rationalism - ie, against civilization.

It's not an attack against the US Government --- it's simply an 
attack AGAINST CAPITALISTS, regardless of nationality.

Here's a fascinating site .. http://chaostan.com

Essentially half the world "missed out" on the Enlightenment.

This sort of thing is the final (pathetic) attempts of the world's 
anti-individual, anti-civilization, anti-trade, anti-capital, 
anti-freedom, tribalists.

Anyone who thinks this is an attack "against America" has never 
travelled outside Manchester.

I can't think of a part of the world that is more "international" 
than downtown NYC.

I mean, it's called the "world" trade center for a reason.  My guess 
would be that 25% of the people dead have nothing to do "with 
America", they would be citizens of other countries.

Certainly, the attack on the *Pentagon* was an attack against the 
"Evil Nation".

The overall theme here, is simply an attack against commerce - trade 
- civilization - capitalism - freedom - rationalism.

An attack launched by the remnants of non-rational, non-capitalistic, 
non-individualistic humanity.

Let us pray to the holy Dollar .. the sign of rationalism, honest 
trade between decent rational people, and civilization itself .. that 
everything from Vienna to Beijing is turned into a sea of radioactive 

Death to all tribailists -- save us the nuisance by slaughtering them now.

As civilization progresses bit by bit, advances like 
http://e-gold.com and http://goldmoney.com will leave socialists, 
environmentalists, communists, animists and statists further and 
further behind -- DGCs are on the cutting edge of being a capitalist 
.. celebrate and rejoice in the fact that you are a capitalist.

Make an e-gold spend today!  Life is capitalism -- celebrate capitalism.

Realize that by being an "early adopter" of e-gold and DGCs you are 
making an incredible, critical contribution to pushing forward 
capitalism, rationalism, individualism, civilization .. somewhat in 
the way that Scientists make key discoveries which push forward 
rationalism and civilization, early adopters of new ideas are 
critical to push forward the advance of capitalism -- another word, 
and the only other word, for civilization.

JP May

>Dreadful. Of course, I'd have a lot more sympathy if the US hadn't
>spent the last decade destabilising and bombing other countries and
>killing civilians and damaging economies. As ye have reaped, so ye
>shall sow.
>Hopefully some sanity will return by the time this email goes out.

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