I was curious about who of the Market Makers still
takes OutExchanges for e-gold?
It seems like all the major ones have suspended their
acceptance for e-gold at this point:



Is there a run on e-gold?

While we are on the topic of credibility:

Where can I find the information on the Swiss storage
arrangement posted ?
The entire paperwork on the Transguard and JP Morgan
Chase is posted on the e-gold web site, where is the
one for the Swiss agreement?
Or what exactly does it mean that there is no
arrangement posted? Is there, or is there not, gold
stored on behalf of the e-gold account holders in

Also I noticed that the whole CostaGold affair still
has not been solved:


There are 4,110.66oz of gold frozen in an escrow
account, which means in effect that the e-gold
circulation is down to about 
129 or so bars from 150 two weeks ago?

So how accurate is the examiner?

I wish e-gold representatives would respond to these
concerns, especially since their credibility is on the
line at this point.
How many different lawsuits are they embroiled in?


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