>Same with the Miami Herald. I've gone to the Dave Barry section
>there -- now http://www.miami.com/herald/special/features/barry/
>weekly for years before I'd ever heard about e-gold. I'm sure many
>others have, too, but the only way of paying Dave (unless looking
>at ads counts) is buying a paper that syndicates him. Weird.

Jim!  Dave Barry, I imagine, makes *millions of dollars* being syndicated.

Mr Barry's response to "Information should be free! Mainstream media 
jerks are jerks!  Micropyaments!!" would probably be a fairly 
decisive "go fuck yourself". :)

There are untalented musicians who make crap music that isn't popular 
(and hence no money), and successful brilliant musicians who make 
excellent music that is popular (and hence make lots of money).

(Same deal with fiction, TV, film, etc.)

60 years ag, group A would complain and whine about the means of 
production, etc. and that group B will be overthrown by the farmers 
any minute now.

20 years ago, group A would complain and whine about the stock market 
and how group B will be overtaken any minute now when capitalism 

Currently, group A whines and complains about technology, and is 
certain that Group B will collapse in five minutes when that new 
encryption technology comes around.

(Notice a pattern emerging?  In 30 years group A will be complaining 
that group B will collapse as soon as those new neural implants that 
improve people's taste are perfected.)

In reality, Madonna's simply *better*, she is a *better human being*:

In any millieu (micropayments, macropayments, copyright, no 
copyright, capitalism, socialism, the 40s, the 90s) Madonna will make 
*millions of dollars* and mediocre musicians, cartoonists etc, will 
make peanuts.

>PS - today's column is especially funny!

That is funny.  I prefer paintball for motivational epics.


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