"is "sacked" (means "fired from
place of employment"), that always gives me a laugh!  "

I have heard this term all my life in America and around the world. I have
worked in international consulting, hired and fired many people.  It is a
common word used in DC environment and among any generation of people
working in the world and with with I have associated with since 1971-today.

I have worked with major consulting firms, government agencies and small
companies all over; owned my own firm and consulted too many to name.  The
term is often used in change.

What surprises me is that people are this forum don't know the word.  Maybe
they are too young, in some  field dominated by youth or reflection
employment skewed to the right(programming) or live in caves with wireless

Sacked is quite common out there in the world where people work and live 20
miles beyond their local cave or town.

Hell, the dictionary recongnizes it as 3rd or 4th definition, as slang, and
not as a localized or country specific phase!!

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