C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc. wrote on 2001-12-03 at 09:46:00:

Subject: Re: [e-gold-list] Re: Simple is Better

>The unit of account for gold currencies is a gram, nothing else.
>That is part of the education.
>...One must deal with a currency 
>by its unit of account. However, I wouldn't mind if ounces is left at 
>the bottom of the list.

Hi Claude,
e-gold is actually accounted for in ounces, but if you choose to account for your 
e-gold in grams that is no problem.
Why should we "educate" people into using the less popular grams, when the free market 
chooses ounces for accounting for weight of precious metals and US dollars for price 
denomination. The e-gold interface is perfectly happy with this.

Ian Green
e-gold estas monda mono! [Esperanto]
e-gold is world money! [English]


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