From: "Craig Spencer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 12:19 PM

> On 17 Jan 2002, at 10:18, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
> > Very neat, JP.  The agio fees are simply your marketing costs.  On the
> > $100,000 lodged, that works out to about $1000 a year.
> But marketing costs for what?  !!!

For building a group of people to whom they can sell FUTURE
revenue-generating services.  JP has mentioned a possible 1mdc-grams product
with a transaction fee.

I'm not saying I definitely foresee a complete return on this initial
investment, but JP and company are betting it's there.  Maybe part of the
return is just the fun of doing it, but I'm sure they're counting on real
money streams.  We'll see.  If they decide to go out of business they'll
just let all the lodgments expire and all the funds will return to the
users' e-gold accounts.  Because they're honest.

In the movie "Field of Dreams", Kevin Kostner builds a baseball field on the
premise that "if you build it, they will come".  Well, I guess JP is
building 1mdc on the premise that "if they come, he will build it".

-- Patrick

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