Remember a few days ago I spent $25 bucks to the "GOLD 'N' EIGHT" hyip-game?

Sure enough!! (I'm stunned!)

They have started paying me back $1.60 per day.

The promise is they will keep doing this for at least 16 days (I will 
be ahead a couple bucks), and even another 16 days IF I "redeposit".

Let's see what happens over the next 13 days!!!!!

JP, your hyip-game investigator.

    05:54       Payment Made    4985301 Gold    -0.088308 
        369181  25.00 USD       283.10
To: BOT GAME / PLAY (Entry Fee)
Memo: email

    03:04       Payment Received        4983200 Gold    +0.005616 
        400732  1.59 USD        283.10
From: Gold -N- Eight
Memo: Day 3 of 32 - 1/17 Spend.Post paid/promote!

    03:16       Payment Received        4969859 Gold    +0.005616 
        400732  1.59 USD        283.10
From: Gold -N- Eight
Memo: Day 2 of 32 - 1/17 Spend.Post paid/promote!

    03:32       Payment Received        4955927 Gold    +0.005601 
        400732  1.59 USD        283.90
From: Gold -N- Eight
Memo: Day 1 of 32 - 1/17 Spend.Post paid/promote!

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