> Now I bet you guys out there are wondering how the hell did he do it and
> Cricket was the first clue and if you did not get it the reference to
> should have told you.  Then think outside the square  was the last clue.

The third clue - it's not what you see, it's what you don't - helped to
clinch it.
At that stage, I thought it was probably an unlisted subdirectory (or file)
named cricket instead of
any term  or link bearing on cricket embedded within the pages.
So I tried a wild shot by trying for http://exchangeprovider.net/cricket
Came up with nothing.

> How to fuind it.  simple.  go to any page except the home page, e.g.
> http://www.exchangeprovider.net/ecta.cgi?page=buygold
>  go to the URL  and after the equals sign type in cricket.

Now to find a file named after cricket.
I was considering the search engines when I noticed that the cgi in the url
does the job.
I actually plugged in "?page=cricket.htm" to the cgi and luckily, something

Michael's next page said no, I have not found the egg yet (disappointment)
but that
I was heading in the right direction (hope). A couple of hurdles more to be
the password and the question.

The second took more time. I hadn't the vaguest idea when the first gold
coin was minted
in the US. Ah, but there is always trusty Google. After a few tries, I found
on the search engine
the very page of history that Michael had posted up, with the answer - 1795.

A neat animated gif came up - end of problem.
Thanks, Michael, Paul and eCTA for a most interesting challenge and the
eight grams of gold!

@ Goloka Candra dasa

> You will go to a new page not seen before.  On the password type in
> <cricket>  with out the brackets.  Another page will come up.  Answer the
> question and a page comes up where uou have the history of the first USA
> Gold Coin Minted and you will find the Easter Egg,  a gif  of a cricket.
> Not not the game .... an insect.
> Thanks to all those enthusiastic players out there who gave it a great
> We had heaps of emails with queries, questions and one guy even had the
> boldness to ask me where it was.
> kind regards,
> Michael Moore
> Vice President
> eCurrency Trade Association Inc.
> www.exchangeprovider.net
> 'Setting the standard for the Gold Based Economy'

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