At 04:19 PM 7/03/2002 -0500, Patrick wrote:
>From: "Ian Green" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<SNIP blank line>
> > At 09:43 AM 7/03/2002 -0500, Patrick wrote:
> > >I know the comparison of GoldMoney with PBS was happenstance, but did you
> > >HAVE to?  :-)
> >
> > Hi Patrick,
> >
> > It's not that I don't think that GoldMoney and PBS are both fine
> > institutions. It was the best comparison I could think of. Maybe there is
> > better comparison I didn't think of.
<SNIP another blank line>
>Oh I like Nova and Frontline and all, but I was talking about the most
>obvious difference.  PBS is financed partially with funds extracted by force
>from people against their will.  GoldMoney is not.
>That distinction just kicked me right in the face when I read your analogy,
>even though I knew you did not mean to extend the analogy that far.
>-- Patrick

Sorry Patrick, I certainly did not mean to extend the analogy that far. I 
hope that *both* GoldMoney and e-gold are outstanding successes, without 
GoldMoney having to gain its success at the expense of e-gold.

In looking for an analogy I first attempted to find one in the computing 
industry, then the automotive industry before trying the broadcasting 
industry, as in IBM vs Apple the original inventor is in fact the more 
commercially successful, and in Mercedes Benz vs Ford, the idea of Mercedes 
being dismissive about Ford, while incorrect, would not be sufficiently 
ludicrous to express what I was feeling. In *none* of these cases, 
especially in GoldMoney vs e-Gold would I wish any bad fortune to either 
company, but the article was an introductory piece to the concept of 
electronic gold as money, and I could not let it go unchallenged as it 
attempted to fool newcomers into assuming that GoldMoney was the market 
leader in this market.

<SNIP request for permission (subsequently granted) to post to list>

Ian Green

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