Sorry Jim, I meant to send this to the list.

Dear Joe,

Thanks for the very kind words to the list!  It has already
resulted in several customer inquiries.


No problem Jim. It's what I was trying to do. I've seen your plugs for
Cambist but I always got the impression it was more of a facility for market
makers to diddle around with their inventory so I never really looked
closely until I decided to do some digging around. It didn't take long to
see what's what.

If anyone is interested, they should take a good look at . You'll have to visit the sites
individually (quite a few) but I think there is a good variety of Exchange
Services with competitive rates. I looked at a lot of them before getting to
Jim's site and I didn't find any that came close to Cambist. (No offense
everyone else)

Now let's quit complaining about what a hassle it is to buy gold and get in
touch with Jim Davidson at .


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