fastSCI now supports a payment/merchant ID.

This will allow the seller (and general payee) to track where the payment
came from or what it was for.

A note about the recent e-mail addition:

Have you ever needed to spend some e-gold and send the receiver an email
alerting them to the transaction?

It used to involve:
1) Log into e-gold
2) Proces spend
3) Log into the mail program or site
4) Create a new message
5) Copy&paste the confirmation screen into the message body
6) Log out of e-gold

Now, it only involves:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&GreatJob

1) Type a link into the browser
2) Process the shopping cart spend

e-gold will then send an email, with all the payment details, to the given


- Norse Concepts

You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as:
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keyboard (SRK) when accessing your e-gold account(s) 
via the web and shopping cart interfaces to help thwart keystroke loggers and common 

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