Hi Adam, I am impressed! I read it right through without noticing any 
grammatical errors, and it explains things brilliantly! I can see that you 
need to do some more pages yet, though. I look forward to seeing it 
completed - and what better way (except maybe those duelling programmers at 
twocentsworth and clicktwocents) to get people to sign up for an e-gold 
account with you as their referrer!

At 02:18 AM 11/04/2002 -0500, "G. Adam Stanislav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I am working on a tutorial to explain to e-merchants how using
>the SCI can be useful for their business. I have titled the
>tutorial "Filling Your Pot."
>The tutorial is at http://www.goldcowboy.com/fillpot/ - please
>read and comment.

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