C. Cormier - Ormetal Inc. wrote: Re: [dgc.chat] Heads Up for U.S. Businesses

>On 26 Apr 2002, at 10:14, Craig Spencer wrote:
>. . .
>It looks like it. Call me somewhere between a libertarian and a 
>socialist. I want to be free but I also want my society to help the 
>poor even if it cost me something. 
I've been observing this little tirade of philosophical sparring,  and 
have been  resisting the temptation to participate, but the above 
comment really irks me.

I HAVE NO SYMPATHY FOR THE POOR!  Especially in countries like the U.S., 
Canada, and the U.K. The only "poor" people that deserve even a modicum 
of "sympathy" and deserve assistance are those under extreme oppression 
which does not allow persons basic freedoms which would allow them to 
meet their own needs -- and the only assistance they should get is to 
help them overthrow their oppressors.

I've been dirt poor in the past. At one point I had no money and no job 
(a brief interlude after after scholarships ran out) -- no way to pay 
for school, food, clothing,  shelter, or anything else, I had but a few 
days before the phone & utilities would be shut off since the bills were 
past due (I could have asked my parents for help, though they are not 
rich either, but I'm too proud and independent for that). I tried to 
find work in this isolated little town, but no one would hire me at the 
time -- one manager at McDonalds actually told me that I'm too smart to 
work at the Golden Arches (NOTE TO SELF:  pretend to be stupid to get a 
job at fast food chains.  -- I did this a couple of years later to get 
temporary work at Pizza Hut and it worked). Since I knew of some 
acquaintances that did pretty well milking the government welfare 
system, and at times local churches, I sought temporary assistance from 
those sources. To make a long story short, I was turned away for no 
other reason than I was a white male with the audacity to be going to 
school at the same time I was "poor". If I wanted any type of assistance 
I would be required to stop attending university -- this requirement 
didn't seem to apply to my "minority" friends, or to associates I knew 
of milking the system with families to "support".

The abuses of the federal and private "assistance" programs, that I 
observed, were absolutely sickening. One guy I knew was white (though I 
think he did have some kind of "ethnic" background), and  married with 5 
kids, and he was going to school, taking some of the same classes that I 
did. He had two jobs, gov. tuition grants and his wife worked. With the 
tuition grants, he and his wife made more than enough to provide decent 
food, shelter, and clothing for the entire family, and meet other needs 
such as basic transportation, medical bills and the like (even without 
the tuition grants he received, he could still probably swing the 
tuition himself, with a little budgeting).  Despite his lack of 
"poorness", this guy received approximately an additional $3000/mo. in 
wealfare checks from the gov. plus about $500/mo. in food stamps. These 
extra government handouts he receive were used to buy fancy toys like 
TVs, stereos, computer stuff, vacations, and pricey food.He received 
these benefits for the entire 4 years that I knew him. However, me in 
actual need gets nothing.

Not wanting to quit school,  and not wanting to crawl back to 
Mommy&Daddy -- I took matters into my own hands. I started a little 
business doing odd jobs around the community. I called myself  "THE" Odd 
Jobber!. There was almost no job I would not do: yard work, simple car 
maintenance, electrical work,  house cleaning, painting, wood work, etc. 
. . you name it. As long as the client provided the tools and materials, 
and if I felt I had the skills I would do it for less than anyone else 
(my hourly rate was $8 to $25 per hour depending on the job). The only 
caveate for the client was that they had to provide any needed tools and 
they had to pay in cash. I printed up 3000 fliers in the school computer 
lab. This pissed off the school, but I won that argument & they left me 
alone. The computer science director thought I was pretty clever in my 
arguments equating my flyers to resumes -- and the tuition and fees I 
had paid up to that point gave me the right to use the computer lab. I 
stuck these fliers in doors all over town. It was a complete success.

Maybe a bit too successfull for the likes of  local businesses in a 
small town,  like the one I was in. In less than a month that summer 
(working long, exhausting hours, crisscrossing town on my bicycle, doing 
odd jobs all over the place) I had pulled in several thousand dollars 
which gave me enough to live on modestly, and pay for school. My success 
was taking business away from the local "townies", and since I was an 
outsider they collectively harrassed me to the point that I had to stop, 
or I might find myself dead in a ditch outside of town. I actually 
received death threats on the  phone, and even the local police took to 
harassing me as I rode around town on my bike -- stopping me and 
frisking me, looking for contraband, saying I shouldn't be around here 
and I should be more carefull, and other B.S.. I had finally had enough 
harrassment, & since I had enough money  for my immediate needs, and the 
rest of the coming semester,  and since I valued my physical well being 
I closed "THE" Odd Jobber's doors. Despite the harrassment, and the hard 
long hours, that was some of the most satisfying money I had ever earned 
-- the feeling probably akin to what Ayn Rand portrayed in "Atlas 
Shrugged" when Dagney is paid for her domestic services to John Galt  
with a single Gold Coin. She then realizes that, despite the millions of 
dollars in fiat money she had earned and commanded throughout her life, 
this was the first REAL money she had ever earned.

The idea that hand outs and help are a right to be expected,  and should 
be done; or that giving to others is your duty/responsibility is 
absolutely repugnant. Yes, if you want to give of yourself (time, money, 
other resources) to others, for whatever reason, you should because it 
is yours to give. However, it is a deadly & repulsive state of affairs 
when others, be they individuals, governement , "society", churches, 
other organizations,  can take (and are sanctified for it)  from those 
that don't want to give , and then give the bootie others. Even if the 
victem of the taking wants to give, they should do the giving themselves 
and not sanction the theft from others.

While I had always believed in self-reliance, and making one's own way, 
my educational background  had polluted my personal philosophy with 
faulty forms of altruism -- weakening the resolve of that independance 
and granting power to the idea that goverment is necessary to do things 
like build roads, provide health care, help the poor, etc. . .. The 
works of Ayn Rand helped to correct that, but the full force and 
implications of these ideas had never fully hit home until I was put 
between a rock and a hard place and forced to choose : Slavery, or 
Independance. Fortunately I choose correctly.

Anyway, the point of my rant here is that in countries like the U.S., 
Canada, and the U.K.,  despite their  current, partial decay into 
You may not always be able to have your dream job, or make the amount 
you want, or be handed everything on a silver platter, but you can "make 
it" nonetheless. There is work to be had, and people willing to pay for 
your product and/or service. Can't find work? . . . then don't get a 

C = W log2(1 + S /N )


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