The eCTA expects it's members, in any matters of negotiation, business
transactions or
    disagreements to act in a manner consistent with the Mission Purpose,
Purposes and Charter
    of the Association. Only in this way can we gain the respect of the
community within which
    we operate and demonstrate our ongoing commitment to a professional

    Graham Kelly, of Goldnow, has been found to have acted in a grossly
unprofessional manner
    inconsistent with the Charter of the eCTA. Graham received a private
censure for his
    behavior, apologized and promised faithfully his public outbursts would
stop immediately.
    However, to the Boards disappointment, Graham continued to issue public
emails of a
    derogatory nature inconsistent with eCTA policy, demonstrating little
regard for the
    Association or the principles it stands for. As a result of this a vote
to suspend Graham
    from the eCTA for three months or until such time as he proves he can
and will act in a
    professional manner according to the Charter of the eCTA and to the
satisfaction of the
    Board. If the behavior continues during this period full termination of
membership will
    be considered.

    It should be noted that the voting of the Board was carried out without
the President who
    specifically abstained from any part of the Boards activities and
decisions in this
    particular matter.

Michael Moore
Vice President
for the
Board of Directors
of the
eCurrency Trade Association Inc.
 'Setting the standard for the Gold Based Economy'

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