
>E-Dinar just has an interface to the E-Gold system. An e-Dinar account IS
>e-gold account. Until recently, you could log-in to e-Dinar with your
>account information, if you so chose. You can still do SPENDS between the

You are quite right. It is a factor which we mention
in our report and indeed this possibility of across the
wall spends simply aggravates the position.

e-gold Ltd and e-dinar Ltd are separate entities in law.
The agreement with DNATA/ trading asTransguard specifies 
that Transguard will create a sub-account in the name of e-dinar.
Gold from the e-gold main account can be transferred to the e-dinar
sub-account only with the signatures of e-gold and its Escrow
Agent.  Once in that sub-account, it cannot be returned to
the e-gold account without the additional signatures of e-dinar 
and, in terms of the e-dinar internal arrangement also its 
Escrow Agent,  i.e. four signatures in total.  We are talking 
about transfer of interest in the physical gold here. 

As long as a bar of gold is reflected as being in the e-dinar 
sub-account it serves to back the interests of account 
holders of e-dinar not e-gold. Similarly all physical gold in 
the main account, but not in the e-dinar sub-account
can be claimed as a backing for e-gold, but not e-dinar 
account holders. 

If you make a spend from e-dinar into e-gold you will 
be making a digital transfer, but you will be leaving your
physical gold backing in the e-dinar account - until of course the 
representatives of all four agencies decide its time to transfer
some of the gold back to the e-gold system.  

In the event of e-dinar being liquidated at any time before the physical
reserves are balanced out in this way, then the gold recorded as being
held by Transguard  in the e-dinar sub-account could be liquidated
to meet the claims of the account holders of e-dinar, and if it can be
seen as
a gold backed currency, most likely its sundry creditors as well. 

The possible complications are endless.  The e-gold Examiner should show
how many of the gold bars held in Dubai have been signed off to the
sub-account and should reflect information about cross currency movements.

Kind regards,



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