Patrick Chkoreff wrote:

>From: "Kamil Kukura" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Your example mentioned the following five "roles":
>buyer      (deposit-A)
>seller     (deposit-B)
>bank       (deposit-A)
>system     (deposit-A)
>system     (deposit-B)
>I had a hard time making sense of what emails get sent from whom to whom.
>Even just the roles "bank" and "system" are vague to me.  What the heck do
>we need a "bank" for anyway?
I was thinking about direct connection by letting one deposit to have 
opened account in peer partner. But this doesn't look to me as good for 
competitive environment. Put in this way you could choose the bank for 
particular transfer. For example you might want one that has lower 
transaction fees but delays the transfer in some way. And, very likely, 
the bank would also provide risk-profit business as we know.

>In the very first step, you said "Buyer sends a message to deposit A".  But
>then the "To" field is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Therefore, the buyer is really
>sending a message to deposit B.  So why did you say "deposit A"?
>Then there are subsequent steps where you say a certain entity sends an
>email, but the "From" field lists a different entity.  Reading more
>carefully, it sounds like the From and other email details are actually
>being quoted _within_ the email.  This is confusing.
Oh, yes I put it in wrong way. I should clarify first that I was 
inspired by e-mail message passing and what I have written *is* rather 
inner content of real e-mail messages. In fact header such as 
"Transfer-By:" doesn't exist for real e-mails. Maybe it could be also 
expressed in XML form; for example:

<from>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</from>
<transfer-by>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</transfer-by>

So, the actual e-mail for first send will look like


and this will have valid digital signature from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and 
will be encrypted for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I am trying to understand your example in terms of simple English, but I'm
>still floundering.  Check out this pathetic attempt:
>Buyer tells the bank to give 10 grams to Seller.  Bank gives 10 grams to
>Seller.  Bank tells Buyer that it gave 10 grams to Seller.  The next step is
>unintelligible to me -- involving a "system of deposit" notifying a "bank".
>Then the Bank deducts transaction fees and tells the Seller (Why is this a
>separate step?  Why isn't this in the first email to Seller?).  The next
>step is again very unintelligible, involving the _other_ system of deposit
>(B) again sending a message to a "bank", along with forwarding the "initial
>message" (what is that?) AND confirming that the Seller received funding.
>Well, the bank already told the Seller that it gave the Seller 10 grams.
>Now you want the "system of deposit" to say the same thing?
1. Buyer tells deposit A to give 10 grams to seller@deposit-B. The 
system in desposit A sees the recipient is account holder in different 
deposit. So it looks for "transfer-by" field and finds out it is 
bank@deposit-A which is known to the system and so it can make transfer 

2. Now, after the transfer being done, system of desposit A performs two 
things: First, it sends in reply to buyer a confirmation that is 
timestamped and signed and is saying that 10 grams were transferred to 
the bank. This is for buyer's archive. Second, it attaches similiar 
confirmation [this one saying about incoming 10 grams] for bank to 
original order and this forwards to the bank.

3. Bank rips out the confirmation happy it received the order for 
transfer. Now it changes the amount to say 9.95 grams and forwards this 
message to deposit B. To make it clear, this will be packaged in real 
e-mail message encrypted for "To: system@deposit-B" and signed by "From: 

4. The system of deposit B receives the order from bank, makes the 
transfer and performs same steps as we have seen in step 2. First it 
replies to the bank with confirmation of funds being withdrawn that bank 
wants to keep in archive. Second, it attaches the confirmation of 
incoming 9.95 grams to original message and this forwards to 

5. Seller will receive original message that may contain for example 
"This is payment for web-store's order #1234" along with confirmation 
that 9.95 grams were credited to seller's account. All that signed by 
"From: system@deposit-B"

>At this point my conceptual lens is completely fogged over.  Help
>-- Patrick
I apologize for my english as it is not my native tongue. Also, this is 
an idea that was lingering in my mind for some time and that I wanted to 
share with.


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