Dear Steve,

> The Liberty Dollar is an interesting concept.  Why don't 
> they accept digital currencies especially e-gold for there 
> goods?

They don't as a special favor to me.  <grin> Exchange Services at
accepts e-gold for the Liberty Dollar, and vice versa.
We are fully involved in the silver Liberty dollar, we
have a supply on hand of paper warehouse receipts for
the Liberty dollar, and we are very eager about the
soon-to-be-released eLiberty digital currency.

Remember our motto: if it is precious metal, we provide
exchange for it.

If you want to buy American Liberty dollars, whether silver
currency or paper warehouse receipts or digital currency,
with e-gold, GoldMoney, Crowne Gold, e-Bullion, or 1MDC
Fastgrams, you should contact  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
is the e-mail address to use, as I have delegated all Cambist
duties to John Kyle, our chief financial officer.

At the same time, if you have American Liberty dollars
and want to buy e-gold, Cambist is the place to go.  We
can also make exchanges between US dollars and American
Liberty dollars.

Now, an American Liberty dollar is a one-ounce silver coin
which bears the legend "$10" upon it.  It also has some
pretty artwork and some other words.  It is an ounce of

Accordingly, to exchange it with other currencies as if
it were "worth" ten Federal Reserve Note dollars (FRNs)
presents a difficulty.  What is the proper rate of exchange?

The market will tell.  And, as far as I'm concerned, that
has become John's problem. <grin>

   US$1 =! AL$1 =! AUS$1 =! CAN$1 and so forth.


Jim Davidson
Gold Barter Holdings

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