Dear Friends,

Here is exactly why I don't like idiots who are sycophants 
for the Nazi ear-taggers at the agencies allegedly responsible 
for "Homeland Defense."  The agency itself might well be 
called Heimatlandsicherheitsdienst as the Nazi Germans did.

"Since Sept. 11, the sessions have been heated. Once, he 
recalls, 'discussion turned to [Osama] bin Laden and what 
a horrible murderer he was. I said, "Yeah, he's horrible 
and did a horrible thing, but Bush has nothing to be proud 
of. He is a servant of the big oil companies, and his only 
interest in the Middle East is oil." '

" Some fellow weightlifters called Reingold a disloyal 
American. One, apparently, called the government."

This conversation led to a doorstep FBI interview because
a collaborator decided to squeal to the FBI about someone
exercising freedom of political expression.  So far, all
that happens when a collaborator with the Gestapo-like FBI
squeals on a "disloyal American" is a conversation.  Soon,
though, it will get even more fun, with the jack-booted
thugs routinely kicking in doors, hauling "suspects" off
to torture chambers, and ransacking private dwellings, all
in the name of "public good."  Couldn't happen here?  

It has happened here.  It has happened to members of my
family.  It happened during the McCarthy era.  It is one
of the relevant effects of a commitment to paper money.

"But to Huanca, the face-off seemed unnecessary and 
intimidating.  She says the G-men puzzled over each art 
installation, sneering and saying things like, 'What's that 
supposed to mean?'"

It is supposed to mean that we hate Nazis, she should have
said, and you ear-tagging jerks ought to take a few lessons
in constitutional law and American history.

Make no mistake, this kind of deliberate political repression
will lead to greater dissent, more "tips" to the FBI, and
more aggressive actions by government agents.  It will lead
to more Ruby Ridge and more Mt. Carmel atrocities.



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