> From James Turk:
> >>Yes, gold is a fantastically stable currency.  Leaving us with the
> >>question of why?
> >
> >The reason begins with its inherent physical attributes of ....[snip]
>It's much simpler than that.  The aboveground stock of gold grows by 
>around 2% per annum, which is approximately equal to world population 
>growth and the annual creation of new wealth.  Therefore, the supply of 
>gold and the demand for gold relative to goods and services tend to stay 
>in balance with one another over long periods of time.  We lose sight of 
>this reality when we think (perform economic calculation) in terms of 
>national currencies.  This insight is not new.


That's an excellent observation.  I've heard it before, but the more I 
think about it the more I realize how crucial that property is in 
maintaining the exchange value of gold.

The inherent physical properties of gold, specifically durability, 
divisibility, and recognizability, are necessary properties of anything 
called "money".  That much is obvious -- anything that is not durable, 
divisible, and recognizable will certainly not function well as money.

Those properties are necessary, but not sufficient.  Something more is 
needed, and I believe you have identified it.

I called it "scarcity", but as I think more clearly, scarcity isn't really 
the key property.  Something can be scarce today and abundant 
tomorrow.  That in fact is the very risk we encounter with fiat currency.

The property you are talking about is, if I may summarize, "guaranteed slow 
growth".  That 2% growth rate in the aboveground stock of gold is 
apparently very hard to budge.  The only way to change the growth rate is 
through difficult innovations in mining technology and just plain hard work 
in general.  Even then, I would guess that the growth rate tends to regress 
toward the 2% mean.

In contrast, there is no way to guarantee any limit on the growth rate of 
fiat currency.  The growth rate is determined entirely by the procedures 
and rules established by whomever is in power.  It can be -10% one year, 0% 
the next, and 10000% the next.  It has happened before, and will happen again.

I now summarize what I think are the core required properties of anything 
that purports to be a medium of exchange with a stable value:

1.  Durability
2.  Divisibility
3.  Recognizability
4.  Guaranteed slow growth (approx 2%)

This puts aside all considerations of practical utility and aesthetic 
beauty.  Any substance or thing having these properties can qualify as a 
stable money.  With regard to aesthetics, I would simply say that the 
substance cannot be revolting or downright dangerous to handle, but would 
impose no further requirements than that.

An interesting question to consider might be, what substances other than 
gold possess these four properties?  Silver and platinum qualify somewhat, 
but silver may not have (4), and platinum only has (2) with some difficulty 
(not malleable & high melting point, whereas you can divide gold by 
pounding it with a hammer).

Another interesting question to consider might be, does it have to be a 
physical substance?  Is it even possible to devise some informational 
"substance" with no physical basis that has these four properties and thus 
qualifies as a stable money?

Is the restriction to a homogenous "substance" even too restrictive?  What 
about heterogenous, diversified things traded through Ricardian 
contracts?  Will people find these systems too cumbersome because there is 
no simple unit of account like a gold gram?  Or can they conduct their 
business like "Terry the Trader" on a regular basis?  (See 
http://www.systemics.com/docs/ricardo/trading/a_day_in_the_life.html .)

So of course there's nothing magical about gold that makes it the only 
basis for money.  Just go find something else that's durable, divisible, 
recognizable, and has guaranteed long-term scarcity.  Let me know what you 
find, and good luck with that.  :-)


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