I have looked in vain for the news article about the three guys that went
to Antigua, where they opened the internet gambling concern called World
Sports Exchange.  The USA government claimed that the three owners had
broken USA law and indicted them.  In total dis-belief, one of  the three
returned to the USA to fight the indictment.  He lost and was appealing
the 20 month sentence that had been given to him.

I had that article and mislaid it.  Maybe some of you remember what I am
talking about.  I wanted to share the article with people on this mailing
list.  Why?  Because some of you have questioned the integrity of Zauction
Offshore based upon the fact that I claim not to know who owns it.  I
summit, that if the three guys had of left the ownership of the cassana as
nameless, no one would have ever been indicted because there would have
been no prof pointing a finger toward any of the three.

Now I am not saying it would be hard for someone to guess the ownership of
Zauction Offshore, I am only saying that I do not admit, or deny
ownership.  I claim to be a professional paranoid. It effects my memory.  
I have the best kind of paranoia.  It is government induced.  In fact they
awarded my paranoia to the tune of a little over $500.00 per month SSI
payment   They waisted 4.2 million dollars of tax-payer money
investigating me and Billie Sol Estes.  They never found anything, but
succeeded in framing Billie Sol, to spend six years in Federal jail.

I lived as a hobo for over nine years after that barely avoiding
indictment myself.  It is this background that causes me to see the need
for an offshore  nameless means to do business.  To those of you that may
have never had a negative experience with the USA government, I will just
say,   E-X-C-U-S-E  M-E!!!  I promise not to force anyone to do business
on Zauction Offshore's Auction site that does not't want to.  Fair Enough?

A person with an idea this good would be a fool indeed to run it any other
way but fairly.  I hope this explains my poor memory problem as to
ownership of Zauction Offshore.  As power of attorney to do business on
behalf of that offshore Antigua corporation, I was delighted when I
discovered the existence of E-gold, because a good memory is not necessary
to be able to use this service.  All I need to remember is that Zauction's
 account number is 505468.  On good days I can even remember the password.
 I can't hardly wait for my programmer to finish the Auction Site.  There
is so much good that needs to be done in our world.  With Zauction
Offshore, people will have the funds to do that good.  That is what is
exciting.  Fred Michaelis Power of Attorney of Zauction Offshore. 

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