Some other things that have not been mentioned :

- Following e-Bullion's staff analysis, as I was in doubt, I ran Anti-Trojan
5.5 Build 400 (that knows of 8,890 Trojan definitions)

The result was :
- NO Trojan Files found...
- NO Suspicious files found

I still have no explanation to the fact that - should my PC indeed be
infected, which I believe is not the case - NONE of my other accounts have
been tampered with (thank god !)

Another thing that was not mentioned, but I guess needs to be said :
>From email exchanges I had with James Fayed, President / CEO of Gold
Companies, it is quite clear that e-Bullion's strategy is definitely to
leave NO SPACE for Exchange Providers to make any profit on servicing orders
from e-Bull customers.

James seems to believe he is the Dell computer example of DGC's, and wants
to short-circuit the (normal) Exchange Providers network of retailers for
distributing / trading / servicing e-Bull orders

I'm sure all Exchange providers will appreciate this as they should and will
actively "promote" e-Bullion accordingly ...

Lastly, he unfortunately choose not to comment on the fact that e-Bull site
is so painfully
slow, to the point that often times, one gets timed out just waiting for the
next page to show up !


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