Jim Davidson made some comments recently on this list concerning E-Bullion
customer service that bear some further explanation.

While we are very grateful for his positive comments regarding E-Bullion
customer service, it is important to clarify that The E-Bullion Company does
not perform exchange functions.

The exchange services Jim was referring to were provided by Goldfinger Coin
& Bullion, which is the primary exchange agent for E-Bullion e-currency.

Goldfinger is well capitalized which is why the company can fulfill
exchanges for good funds on the same day that the incoming wire clears,
sometimes in as little as three hours, as Jim mentioned.

I am sure that the same could be said for OmniPay or any other well
capitalized exchange agent.  The reason the exchange agent can fulfill the
transaction so quickly is that the company already has a large inventory of
e-currency to pull from, often more than US $1 million worth.

Jim made some vague comments concerning GoldMoney indicating he had some
difficulty obtaining GoldGrams.  I think the problem he experienced there
was that he had to bail in gold rather than purchase GoldGrams directly from
an exchange agent.  Purchasing a bar off the market and bailing it into any
system will take significantly longer than purchasing e-currency from an
exchange agent.  So, to be fair, Jim was comparing apples to oranges.  The
problem was the lack of a sufficiently capitalized exchange agent for

E-Bullion does accept direct bailment, but unless the gold comes from a
certified member of the chain of integrity, we require a full melt assay to
have the gold recast by a certified refinery.  If buy a bar of gold from the
Hong Kong market and have it shipped to one of E-Bullion's repositories, it
might very well take three to six weeks for the whole process including the
full melt assay and recast of the bar.   The time and expense involved mean
that it is usually cheaper to just buy the gold from Goldfinger which has a
large stock of physical bullion on hand, as well as direct access to the
bullion markets.

Goldfinger can acquire LBMA, Comex, or Hallmark certified bullion bars on
very short notice and at very low prices.  So if an order comes through that
exceeds the amount of E-Bullion in Goldfinger's E-Bullion account,
Goldfinger bail in more bullion from its physical stock within minutes.  If
an order exceeds Goldfinger's physical stock (hasn't happened yet)
Goldfinger can acquire more physical bullion to bail into the system within
a few hours.

The main advantage that Goldfinger has in the exchange industry is the fact
that the company does two to three times more volume in physical bullion
sales than in E-Bullion sales.  As a result the company always has plenty of
physical bullion on hand to bail into the E-Bullion system when it is
needed.  The Kilobars and smaller specie that Goldfinger deals in allow the
company to provide greater exchange liquidity for E-Bullion clients than is
generally found in the industry.

Another important bit of information is that any exchange agent, Goldfinger
included, will not fulfill an order until good funds from the customer have
cleared.  Bank wires usually clear the same or following business day.  Cash
deposits at branches like Wells Fargo or Bank of America also clear the same

Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of depositing a check into an
exchange agent's BOA or Wells Fargo cash deposit account and then expect
same-day funding of their e-currency account.


Therefore any exchange agent worth their salt will hold any funds deposited
by check for several weeks!

So don't deposit a check into a cash deposit account and then expect  3 hour
funding from Goldfinger or any other exchange agent.  It isn't going to
happen.  If you want to get some e-currency on short notice then cash and
bank wire, and in a few cases credit card, will be your only options.

I hope this helps clarify the inner workings of the gold currency exchange
industry a little bit.

Kind regards,
Ken Griffith

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