Dave Brooks makes an excellent point.  The gold economy is like a sapling in
a forest of oak trees.    Very little light gets down to the forest floor
because the big oaks shade it out.

Right now we are putting out a root system.  The sapling doesn't look like
much but the network is developing.

When a hurricane comes along and knocks down the oak trees sunlight will
reach the forest floor.

Lots of new ideas and alternative systems might try to launch in the
aftermath of the felling of the oak trees.

But the gold economy sapling will shoot up ten feet in a year and overshade
all the others because the root system will already be well developed.

The gold economy needs slow growth for the first decade.  Sudden success
might cause sudden disaster.  Slow growth is just fine.  By 2006 the systems
should be ready to go mainstream.

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