Dear Friends,

Yesterday, we received two money orders, both from near 
Houston, Texas.  In each case, the money order had on it
"I am buying gold, e-gold account #627592."  So, in our
view, *we* would have been protected if we had gone ahead
with the distribution of gold to that account, having a
legitimate agreement in each case that the customer wanted
e-gold placed in that account.

However, a quick check with Click Two Cents provided info
that the account was not held in the name of either of the
gentlemen who sent us money. was showing utoputop
although I imagine it will soon show a spend limit. <smile>

No doubt the printing of these words on money orders does
help in some instances, which is why we insist on it.  In
one case, the would-be victim decided to include his auction
fraudster's e-mail message, "Hello, you have won item The
Simpsons - The Complete Second Season....I ship via UPS...."

Well, I doubt the bit about shipping via UPS.  Maybe that's
an aspect of the scam - telling the customer that UPS must
have lost it in shipping.

In any event, both customers thoughtfully included their
phone numbers on the money orders.  So, I called them up
and had a little chat.  In each case, they felt they were
paying for their merchandise, for auction fulfillment. 
And were not happy to learn about the long history of 
auction fraud.

Since they had already paid for money orders, one from a
Traveler Express outlet at Wal-Mart, the other from an
Integrated Payments outlet at Kroger, I discussed their
options.  It is the case that getting a refund from
Integrated Payments is a $12 proposition, which, on a
$45 money order isn't much fun; I suppose the same is
about the fee at Traveler Express.  So, I offered to
deposit their money orders and send replacement funds
by check, deducting a dollar in each case to pay for
the in-state long distance, the postage, envelope,
check, and my time.  A loss leader for us, no doubt.
Each customer accepted these terms quite gladly.

Well, there you have it.  Another e-gold account set up
to separate fools from their money.  I do have to say
that foolishness is involved on the part of anyone who
thinks he is buying a DVD and writes "I am buying gold"
on a money order.  

Again, as usual, I think the individual responsible for
setting up utoputop account 627592 should be hunted 
down and made to pay compensation to each and every
victim.  I'm sure that turning the information over to
the relevant authorities (let's see: postal fraud, since
the money orders were mailed to us; wire fraud since the
Internet involves telecomm; auction fraud probably gets
one in dutch with the Postal Inspector, the FCC, the
FTC, the FBI, who knows, maybe even the Secret Service
since they handle some forms of computer crime involving
money -- anyone want to bet that no prosecution will
arise in this instance?) would also be an appropriate
thing for, say, to do.

Since my company is actually victimized either by being
made to look like the culprit if we fulfill such orders
or by being conscientious and going to the trouble of
sending replacement funds back to the intended victims,
I'd like my pound of flesh.  If the information were at
my disposal, I would not bother with intermediaries or
delegating the use of force.  I would much rather string 
these numb-nuts up by their toes, tie weights to their 
wrists, and cut off joints of various fingers until they 
paid up, or bled dry.  I wonder how they'd like to learn
to type with fewer digits.  Subjunctive tense is so much

By the way, from the excerpt of one e-mail sent to me,
these aren't people with English as a first language.
So, in all likelihood, Interpol would also have to be
involved.  The fraudsters must be making a living at 
this stuff, or they wouldn't persist.

As usual, this information is provided for your benefit.
If you find you can take some meaningful action as a
result, please do.  If not, perhaps the visions of 
tortured fraudsters might function as entertainment.



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