"Aviv Shaham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We welcome Pecunix to the GBIC community.

Thank you Aviv.

: Unfortunately we don't see many new features, especially not the kind of
: features that will convince users to make the transition from existing
: digital currencies. What we have here is "e-gold with a graphical
: interface".

A five year old child examining the engines of a Ferrari and a Daihatsu would
probably also only see a cosmetic difference between the two Aviv.

: They strive to offer customers "absolute privacy", yet failed to provide
: this by identifying an account by the owner's e-mail address. What's more
: traceable than this?

Please let me know who the owner of [EMAIL PROTECTED] is Aviv, I need to
get in touch with this person over a very important matter... thanks.

: It took me 10 minutes to open a new account. 10 precious minutes an average
: customer will not spend on this task.

Pecunix does not wish to attract AVERAGE customers Aviv, Pecunix will attract
SPECIAL customers, who can recognise a good thing when they see it... and
Pecunix will look after them very well.

: And when you log in for the first time, you get level 2 -
: another PIK to play with. Who the heck came up with this idea? :)

Er...  I think it was Snowdog who first mentioned it a few years ago, and an
excellent idea it is too, thanks Craig.

What we are talking about here is that Pecunix actually has 3 different levels
of access. The Full access level allows the account holder to make adjustments
to account settings, contact details etc. The Limited access level (recommended
for daily use) only allows payments to be made up to a pre-determined daily
limit and access to the account history statements. The daily limit is set under
full access. Finally there is a read only access level, that allows access only
to the account history. This is ideal where businesses need to give access to
the account history for bookkeepers etc, who should not have access to funds.

: I hope the guys at Pecunix will take these comments into consideration.

We certainly did Aviv!

svgisp wrote:
> Takes a long time to perform transactions...is that the price of advance
> security?

Nope, see George's post earlier about WorldCom...


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