Dear Friends,

The 16 November e-gold list digest was much fun.  Tom - answers at the

Thanks to Major Bosco (now Colonel? needs a new e-mail) for his post
about the pissants at ADL having fits over tax protests.  Of course,
the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai Brith or whatever they are have
never seen a government program they didn't love.  Unless it was a
government program of those bad Nazis back in Germany.  Socialists
in the USA government can be any sort of bad they please, though, and
the ADL will be chums with them.  After all, "it couldn't happen here"
would be their motto.  As I recall, some gutsy Jews in the Warsaw
Ghetto learned how to use guns and killed a few Nazis, but the ADL
hasn't joined Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership unless they did so recently and didn't tell.

I guess the next level of escalation will be classification as Terrorist's
and shipment to re-education camps in NYC??
No doubt that is exactly what the ADL would call for, except that
a few of their donors still remember the camps in Germany.

tax reformers here. You're talking about people who have incredible
conspiracy theories about the government."
Yep.  The difficulty, of course, is that there is so much evidence
behind these "incredible conspiracy theories."  After all, sometimes
the government is out to get you.

have to pay taxes and that there's a major government conspiracy designed to
cover-up that fact."
So, rather than prove that there is no such conspiracy, or prove
that everyone does have an obligation to pay taxes, the ADL just
makes noises.  "Harumph!  You know you should pay your taxes."

"Hey! We didn't get a Harumph out of you!"  - Blazing Saddles

(Mel Brooks actually does know a Nazi when he sees one.  His film
and play _The Producers_ is one of the best on the whole matter of
Nazi Germany - if you can't laugh at the Nazis they've won.  "It's
Spring TIME for Hitler, and Germany.  It's WINter for Poland and

"It's also a movement that has been linked strongly to violence; to attacks
on IRS agents; to blowing up IRS offices, as well as many other crimes," he
said. "There's a great deal of criminal activity associated with the
I'm with Ben here.  Where do I send money?  These "We the People"
folks had a full page ad in USA Today, so they seem to have style,
if not much sense.

Mike Bodine said the sole purpose of
the anti-tax rally (called Freedom Drive 2002) is to restore the
Constitution to what it was in 1788.
Gee, um, dude.  The constitution had slavery in 1788.  Really. And
a fugitive slave clause which was upheld in 1854 in the case known
as "Dred Scott" (which among other things pointed out that if black
slaves were citizens, they had a right to keep and bear arms!)

rebellion, mentioning a "Million Gun March" he is planning for
July 4, 2003.
Does nobody in the freedom movement read Clausewitz on War?  Sun
Tzu's the Art of War?  Study Forrest at Bryce's CrossRoads or
Henry at Agincourt?  What the nuts?  If one were to telegraph the
time and place of battle, one would be unlikely to win.

According to Stanley's website, the million gun march will be held only if
at least one million people sign a petition guaranteeing their presence at
the march.
Ya know, there aren't a million people that silly.

To anyone who knows:

How does one go about getting one's enterprise listed on E-Gold's
director page of "Merchants and Organizations?"
My first step would be to e-mail Jim Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] or the
like.  He should be happy to have listed on the
e-gold merchants and organizations list.  I thought y'all were listed.

Also, does anyone know if any of the e-gold e-commerce providers
have a user-friendly recurring payment system to automatically e-
invoice donors/subscribers who want to pay periodically instead of
in a lump sum? I'd like to set up some systems like this for a paid-
subscription newsletter that will be launching in 2003.
Cool idea.  Better still, tie it into your shopping cart interface
so they can spend right when they get the e-mail.



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