On 18 Nov 2002, at 14:48, Ragnar wrote:

> Ben,
> --- Ben Legume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>"It's also a movement that has been linked strongly to
> > violence; to 
> > attacks on IRS agents; to blowing up IRS offices, as well as
> > many 
> > other crimes," he said. "There's a great deal of criminal
> > activity 
> > associated with the movement."
> > 
> > Do they take e-gold donations?
> I'm going to ask them that question.  They agreed to be
> interviewed on Planet Gold.

While you're at it, could you ask them if they know of any IRS 
office ever being blown up? Seems like that would have made the 
news, but I've never heard of it happening, more's the pity.

I think someone must have read Bill Brannon's _Let Us Prey_ and 
mistaken it for non-fiction. I don't think anyone has yet _made_ it 

Tom Knapp

Thomas L. Knapp                      "It would be strange indeed if so
Director of Partner Services          celestial an article as FREEDOM
The Freedom Network                   should not be highly rated."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   -- Tom Paine

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