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Public response by Pecunix to Civil Action 02 CV 8993 filed by OSRECOVERY

This recent action filed at a district court in New York is an example of
reckless negligence and/or incompetence by the firm of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene
& MacRae, L.L.P. and specifically of their representatives Wayne C. Matus
and A. John P. Mancini. This document will demonstrate how, with negligent
disregard for the consequences, the above-mentioned have included Pecunix
Inc. and various parties related to Pecunix in this action without making
the slightest effort to verify the allegations.

This document refers to the PDF file of Civil Action 02 CV 8993 that can be
found at

The "Civil Action" begins with the claim that the complaint is made "...upon
due forensic investigation." This is certainly not the case; even the
simplest of procedures available to anyone who has an Internet connection
can show the claims against Pecunix and Simon Davis to be false.


Points 1-12 - the charges are described, and nowhere in the entire
description of the scam is there a suggestion of a Pecunix-like entity, nor
would such make sense.


22. ...OSGold was founded Feb 2001...

These incompetent attorneys have failed to check that was
registered almost a YEAR EARLIER in June 2000. This is very simple to verify
in 2 seconds by doing a check on the Domain Records, freely available to
every Internet user. They negligently allege that Pecunix is designed as a

39. ...Pecunix is governed by a board of directors, consisting of Simon
Davis, Andrew Cartensen (sic) and Graham Daniels.

The directors of registered companies are public knowledge in Panama. A
simple investigation at the public records office or resident agent will
reveal the names of the directors of a Panamanian Corporation; Pecunix is no
exception. This is direct evidence that the incompetent attorneys at LLGM
made absolutely no effort to verify the allegations. This list of directors


100. ...Defendant Moore is also associated with Defendant Pecunix, having
issued a Pecunix press release, dated August 14,2001, in his name.

Pecunix did engage Mr Moore to distribute some press releases at about that
time. He worked in a freelance capacity. Obviously the incompetents at LLGM
never stopped to consider why Pecunix would be issuing such press releases
in direct opposition to OSGold while OSGold was apparently doing so well!

132. Pecunix is a new gold-backed Internet currency, similar to OSGold...

Perhaps these LLGM attorneys are also blind? Pecunix and OSGold bear
ABSOLUTELY NO RESEMBLANCE WHATSOEVER. A simple visit to each of the web
sites shows a massive contrast. The Pecunix web site is a vast and very
professional masterpiece, that took over 2 years to architect and deploy.
The OSGold web site looks like a prep school project built over a weekend.

And the next vast dissimilarity between OSGold and Pecunix: OSGold assured
users that their currency was 100% backed by gold, and Pecunix...

132....assures investors that "PECUNIX currency is 100% backed by gold, it
is based on a 'real value' commodity, so users are assured that the value of
the currency they hold is always protected."...

The difference between OSGold and Pecunix is clear for anyone prepared to do
even 5 minutes of simple investigation. PECUNIX DOES HAVE THE GOLD! All the
proof and verification of this statement is available on the Pecunix web
site, including signed verifications from the Anglo Far East Bullion
Company, who store the bullion for Pecunix, and BDO Accountants, the auditor
and councillor of the Pecunix Foundation. It is a simple matter of browsing
through the pages at The
incompetent and negligent attorneys failed to look at this readily available
information on the Pecunix web site. If they had, a simple phone call to one
of the above-mentioned internationally trusted and respected third parties
would have revealed the truth.

132....Pecunix also has an investment program called Pecunix Venture
Holdings, Inc. ("PVH"), strikingly similar to OSOpps...

Now these incompetent attorneys from LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae
demonstrate that either they can't read, or were entirely negligent and
simply did not bother to read the web site. The PVH investment
opportunity was absolutely NOTHING like their description of the OSOpps

Pecunix Venture Holdings Inc is a registered Panamanian Corporation that ran
a legitimate and well managed private placement offer under the management
of a firm of attorneys as escrow agent for the investment funds. Delloitte
and Touché (Panama) are auditors for this PPO, which initially opened before
OSGold even existed, and always had a published end date of 31 October 2002
when the offer was closed. Final audits are currently in progress.

Investment capital raised was used for the architecture and development of
the Pecunix system. No investor in PVH Inc. has ever had a "payout", or
earned any dividend. They are simply venture capital shareholders in the

133. Upon information and belief, Mr Simon Davis is the Chief Executive
Officer of Pecunix...

Well tally ho Sherlock; that must have taken some work!

133. Upon information and belief, Defendant Davis has been involved in
similar past fraudulent schemes.

Similar to what? I am not aware of any other scams similar to OSGold in the

134. As the OSGold system began to fold, the activities associated with
bringing Pecunix to the market began to gain velocity... [Followed by much
verbal garbage through to point number 137]...

These negligent attorneys are responsible for publishing extremely damaging
allegations about Pecunix, simply because it was launched at about the same
time as OSGold collapsed. Even a miniscule amount of research would have
shown the REAL REASONS for the timing and progress of Pecunix development.

139. Upon information and belief, Defendant Moore is the Director of Public
relations for Pecunix.

This is another demonstration of Matus and Mancini's negligent incompetence.
The Directors of Panamanian companies are public knowledge. A simple check
with the registered agent in Panama would show this allegation to be
nonsense. The management of Pecunix has NEVER BEEN A SECRET.

140. ...Reed responded... look in the direction of Pecunix. Upon information
and belief, the people behind Pecunix may be the same people that were
behind OSGold.

Why are the "people behind OSGold" so difficult to identify yet the people
behind Pecunix all openly published? Everything about Pecunix is fully
transparent with full audits where necessary. All relevant information is
easily accessible by any competent and responsible attorney willing to make
a reasonable effort to assess the facts before making damaging and libellous
allegations. A simple phone call to the respective resident agents in Panama
for OSGold and Pecunix would reveal exactly who the Directors of both
companies are. Obviously this has not been done.

141. ...Upon information and belief, Thunderbirth Investing is co-owned by
Mr Davis, CEO of Pecunix, and Defendant Reed, co-founder of OSGold and/or
co-owner of the Ecurrency Exchange.

This is a complete fabrication. It is also interesting to note that these
incompetent attorneys obviously don't REALLY believe there is any
"mysterious and unidentified 'board of directors'". They name Reed as the
co-founder/owner of OSGold throughout the "Civil Action".

142. Upon information and belief, Pecunix rose out of the ashes of what once
was (sic) OSGold and OSOpps...

Once again, this is a complete fabrication, based on previous conjecture tha
t could easily be verified as false by any competent and diligent attorney.

The inclusion of Pecunix in this suit is exceptionally reckless and
negligent. Here is a small amount of background on Simon Davis and Pecunix,
that is well known and could easily be ascertained with very little effort.

Simon D. Davis, a.k.a. Sidd has been an active member in the e-currency,
GBIC community since 1998. As a regular participant in many related mailing
lists, he has been a strong voice for better governance and strong
accountability for GBIC's for many years. From the day OSGold opened, Simon
Davis STRONGLY criticised their operation, in public on many occasions. A
quick search of the e-gold list at will show multiple
messages over the last 18 months where Sidd has been very vocal in his
disapproval of OSGold. This link has a few relevant messages from soon after
OSGold opened There are numerous other lists
where similar messages can be found.

For three years, since long before OSGold existed, Simon Davis has been
operating a reputable exchange service for honest gold-based currencies.
This service, called Metal-Escrow, NEVER dealt in OSGold and ALWAYS warned
anyone who enquired about OSGold that it could not be trusted. For this
reason it can be seen that Metal-Escrow, one of the oldest and most well
established e-currency exchanges is not listed as a Defendant in this
reckless and negligent Civil Action.

Simon Davis resigned as one of the founding board members of the eCurrency
Trade Association, soon after the eCTA decided to list OSGold on their site.
His decision was due to his disagreement with this and other policies of the

As a long time participant in the Internet gold economy, and as a veteran
programmer in this fledgling industry, Simon Davis is exceptionally well
qualified to design and manage a gold-based Internet currency. Since before
June 2000, Simon Davis along with the directors of Pecunix, has been working
diligently using audited investment funds, to create a gold-based currency
to challenge the best. The "state of the art" Pecunix governance structure
is the best ever designed, with independent audits of the database and the
gold stores by trusted and respected third parties. Pecunix has also
established a business relationship with a HIGHLY reputable bullion company,
who bring expertise in the gold storage and management facet of the Pecunix

Technologically, Pecunix is designed for absolute reliability and
exceptional data security, with geographic distribution of data and
incorporating Public Key cryptography to enhance the security and privacy of
the system. A cursory glance at the Pecunix web site reveals this in an

Pecunix is a young company with immense potential. The negligent and
incompetent attorneys, Wayne C. Matus and A. John P. Mancini, both of
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P. are responsible for publishing
extremely damaging and libellous allegations about Pecunix and Simon Davis
with reckless disregard for the consequences. They have not stopped to
consider the questions:

What if Pecunix and Simon Davis are COMPLETELY INNOCENT of these damaging
allegations? Who will pay for the ENORMOUS loss of revenue that may result
from this negligent action at this most critical start-up time for Pecunix?
Will the investors in Pecunix Venture Holdings be willing to sit back and
watch this damage being so callously wrought on their investment through
negligence and incompetence?

Pecunix will seek to recover all costs and/or losses, present or future,
incurred through these negligent and damaging claims published in this Civil
Action.  The directors of Pecunix hold Wayne C. Matus and A. John P.
Mancini, and the firm of attorneys LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P. to
be negligent and accountable for making these damaging and defamatory claims
about Pecunix without making any attempt to verify their veracity.

All the charges and allegations in this Civil Action about Pecunix, Simon
Davis and related parties are a complete fabrication based on uninformed,
un-researched and negligent conjecture.

Simon D. Davis

Managing Director, Pecunix Inc.

This document to be distributed as follows:

Please feel free to distribute this message in its entirety to any list or
group that you believe will find it interesting or relevant.

LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P. Fax: +1 212 424 8500
Wayne C. Matus, LLGM - [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ph +1 212 424-8533
A. John P. Mancini, LLGM - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ph +1 212 424-8313

Judge Lewis A. Kaplan - Fax. +1 212 805 0383 Ph: +1 212 805 0216

A. Sinclair, BDO Vanuatu - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

P. Judge, Anglo Far-East Bullion Co. - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Arias & Arias Consultores - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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