Dear Friends,

What is legally wrong with saying that a Silver Liberty is:

1) money?
There's a 1948 law against it.  It is a monetary alternative.

2) a coin?
Same law.  So, it is a silver piece.

3) minted?
Same law.  The Sunshine Mint makes 'em, so it is arguable
that the Silver Liberty was minted, somehow.

4) intended to circulate?
Same law.

Isn't a Silver Liberty minted as coin money,
Clearly not.  There appears to be fed-gov monopoly
(mono-ploy) on minting money, coining money, or money
in general.

 and intended to circulate?
Seems to me it does circulate, but intentions appear
to be of some importance to the legal beagles.

Is there some law against creating coin money for
this purpose?
So I gather.  Of course, the constitutional authority
for such law isn't as clear.  But, Lysander Spooner's
experience with competing for postal services is an
illustrative one.

It is of some interest to me that there is auction fraud
on eBay from time to time. does not have
difficulty managing auctions on our site:

TITLE 18 , PART I , CHAPTER 25 , Sec. 486.
Sec. 486. - Uttering coins of gold, silver or other metal
Whoever, except as authorized by law, makes or utters or passes,
or attempts to utter or pass, any coins of gold or silver or other
metal, or alloys of metals, intended for use as current money,
whether in the resemblance of coins of the United States or of
foreign countries, or of original design, shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

Sec. 541. - Tax on circulating notes generally
In lieu of all existing taxes, every association shall pay to
the Treasurer of the United States, in the months of January
and July, a duty of one-half of 1 per centum each half year
upon the average amount of its notes in circulation
I wonder how "association" is defined hereunder.

I wonder what the liability is the the redemption centers
regarding this...
It's going to be fun finding out!

Fascinating, but it looks to me like the key clause is 'intended for use as
current money'. If the money is being passed-off as US Dollars, then it
looks like the law is being broken. All of Chapter 25 is concerned with
counterfeiting and forgery.
It is interesting, I think, that the US Treasury has
indicated their view that the NORFED activity is legal.

"In lieu of all existing taxes..." ??? Doesn't this just apply to national
Or all state banks?

Considering that that vast majority of these so called *anonymous* debit
cards are used for criminal activity, I don't blame them for slamming your
acct's down.
I don't understand why anyone thinks that anonymous
debit cards, such as those sold by and
bearing the Visa logo, are ever used for any sort of
criminal activity.

And you sir appear to be a willing dupe of those who would take our liberty
in exchange for a pocket full of mumbles about security. Those who lose
their money in foolish schemes or buying products from those they do not
know at prices too good to believe get what they deserve. You and they are
like drowning non-swimmers thrashing about in the water. Pay them no heed
nor get close or they will drag you down with them.
Well said, Steve.

A State must pay attention to virtue, because the law is a covenant or a
guarantee of men's just claims, but it is not designed to make the citizens
virtuous and just
-- Aristotle
In fact, as Anacharsis pointed out 2600 years ago:
laws are like a spider web.  They catch the small fry,
but allow the big creatures to escape.

As for the slurs against James Shupperd, I don't get it.
The man goes on retreats and takes his family obligations
seriously.  So "Colonel Bosco" thinks it okay to slam
him, implying that he is a criminal in flight from the
country.  What nonsense.  At least we know the name of
James Shupperd.  Who is JB? Who is Colonel Bosco? Who



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