Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I got my package of Capulin 
coffee in the mail on Friday (I've been traveling, so I didn't have time 
to settle in and brew some up until last night).

Two reasons for letting you know this:

1) Mr. Fourwinds is obviously a prompt and honest payor -- he 
didn't _have_ to send the coffee unless he liked my work and 
wanted to use it. He not only sent it, but sent it quickly. I suspect 
his customers get the same kind of service; and

2) This is some GOOD coffee! I can't claim to be a gourmet or 
anything, but I know a good cuppa joe when I taste one. Everyone 
in my household remarked favorably on its rich, full flavor and its 
deeper coloration and aroma.

We're drinking the French Roast right now; Mr. Fourwinds also 
included a smaller package of the Continental Roast, which I'll be 
trying this week. I also plan to take a few cups' worth of each over 
to my favorite non-chain coffeehouse to let the proprietor try it.

I plan to be a Capulin customer from here on out. If you drink 
coffee, I suggest you give Capulin a try. Good coffee is one of the 
great pleasures of life, after all.

Tom Knapp

Thomas L. Knapp                      "It would be strange indeed if so
Director of Partner Services          celestial an article as FREEDOM
The Freedom Network                   should not be highly rated."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   -- Tom Paine

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