Of course this begs the question of why not substitute gold for grain. Gold
has all of the commodity properties desired by the Argentines, but with
cash like attributes.

- John Kyle




      December 1, 2002
      For Wary Argentines, the Crops Are Cash

      UEBLO ESTHER, Argentina -- THEIR hens are too old to lay eggs and
till their fields with a 33-year-old tractor, but Roberto Natale and his
wife, Mabel Ciribe, are sitting on what has become this country's most
precious currency. This season they bartered 44 tons of soybeans and a used
car for a shiny four-door Toyota Hilux pickup. Next year, they hope to swap
soybeans for a harvester.

      "The only thing we have is soybeans," Ms. Ciribe said. "Without them
we wouldn't have bought the pickup."

      With the collapse of the peso nearly a year ago, corn, soybeans,
sunflowers and wheat have become a preferred legal tender in Argentina,
often more welcome than cash, because they are priced in dollars. Despite
some concern from the government, the nation's farmers and agriculture
businesses, which constitute one of the country's richest economic sectors,
are bypassing the dysfunctional banking system where they can and are
venturing into swap contracts known as trueques (pronounced tru-E-kays), to
keep business going.

      "It's like a return to the Phoenician era," said Sebasti·n DÌaz
Riganti, a grain broker based in Buenos Aires. His family-owned company,
DÌaz Riganti Cereales, has completed $168 million in deals among farmers,
corporate customers and grain exporters this year, he said. Almost 60
percent of his business is based on bartering, up from 30 percent last

      Automobile sales have slid 61 percent this year, but rural
say bartering has helped to cushion the blow. Many independent auto
dealerships began taking grains in lieu of cash months ago. Ford Motor,
General Motors and Toyota Motor have started countrywide sales pitches and
are teaching employees how to swap vehicles for grains. Last month,
DaimlerChrysler joined the trend with its "Grain Plan," which allows
customers to use grain to buy Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge
vehicles sold in Argentina.

      "This form of trade goes back to the very beginning: you give me a
pencil and I'll give you a glass," said JosÈ Alberto GarcÌa, an accountant
at Giorgi Automotores S.A. in Rosario, Argentina's grain capital, about 200
miles north of Buenos Aires. "After the peso devaluation, we were all
standing around looking at each other and not selling cars. We had to do
something," he said. In three months, the Ford dealership has swapped 50
vehicles for grains.

      Pla S.A., a farm equipment maker in Las Rosas, about 275 miles north
of Buenos Aires, has exchanged $9.5 million in farm machinery for corn,
sorghum, soybeans and wheat. For cash, it sells cereals to grain exporters
but keeps grains on reserve. "Instead of money in the bank we have grains,"
said Miguel ¡ngel Priotti, Pla's head of finances. Pla bought two Toyota
pickups with grain and intends to buy five more for its company fleet.

      "At first we were skeptical, but bartering is a more practical and
efficient method of selling your product and getting what your company
needs," Mr. Priotti said. "Even if banks started lending again, we'll do
business this way."

      Sales at the Argentine operations of John Deere have dropped almost
percent this year, and barter sales are all that sustain them. "Without
grains trade, we wouldn't sell as much as we have," said Sebasti·n Malamud,
an accountant in John Deere's Rosario office. He said 95 percent of deals
this year were bartered.

      Mr. Malamud reworked spreadsheets to log tons of corn, soybeans and
wheat in place of cash. "But that was easy," he said. "The toughest part
convincing our home office that swapping grains made sense."

      A futures and options firm in Rosario, bld Brokers and Consulting,
began issuing trueque contracts in June and expects to complete 200 deals
year-end. "It's very revolutionary - money has lost its value," said
Mondino, the concern's trade director.

      The notion of money has become whimsical in Argentina, where at least
12 currencies are in use. Some provinces began making their own currencies
last year to pay employees, although such money is generally accepted only
in the home province. El Cronista, a financial newspaper, recently reported
that $2.1 billion worth of nonpeso currency issued by provincial
is now circulating.

      City dwellers have also discovered grain as an alternative currency.
Ana MarÌa Berardozzi, an advertising executive in Buenos Aires, sold her
country home for grains. "It was something of a shock - my mind is still in
pesos or dollars, not sunflowers and wheat," she said. "To go from what
looks like a first-world economy to one where people swap things is a rude

      Sancor Seguros, an Argentine insurance company, intends to swap
for premiums, and an Argentine insurer owned by HSBC is considering a
similar plan. Alejandro Carrara, a Buenos Aires watch dealer who sells
Rolexes and Piagets, wants to swap grains for watches. "It seems like a
joke, but a small group of farmers is very interested in trading grains for
luxury watches," Mr. Carrara said.

      MS. BERARDOZZI and many others who accept trueques never actually see
their grain. Farmers deliver it directly to exporters, who then pay
merchants, in pesos, the dollar value of the crops. The sum is calculated
based on the dollar-peso exchange rate (currently about 3.5 pesos to the
dollar) and grain prices on the world market.

      Although the barter system is more inconvenient than payment through
cash or credit cards, merchants prefer grain barter contracts because they
help minimize the risk of losing money if the peso falls in value before a
deal is completed.

      Argentina's government keeps no statistics on barter contracts. But
authorities are inspecting corporate trueques and may revise tax laws if
they detect a leak in tax revenue, said Jorge Speraggi, a spokesman for the
Federal Internal Revenue Administration.

      The agricultural industry has prospered since the peso was formally
devalued from its one-to-one parity with the dollar in January, and "it has
to assist the country so it can emerge from the crisis," Mr. Speraggi said.

      Argentina's economy has shrunk by almost one-fifth in the last four
years, and unemployment has reached 24 percent. Although there are signs
that the economy has bottomed out - industrial production has increased for
six consecutive months and bank deposits are growing because of attractive
short-term interest rates - political hazards are obscuring recovery.
President Eduardo Duhalde, Argentina's fifth president in less than a year,
has said he will not seek election next year. An election date has not been

      Alberto Bernal, an economist specializing in Latin America at idea-
Global, a consulting firm in New York, said, "There's some mild
recuperation, but there's still too much uncertainty."

      But of the chaos, farmers have emerged as partial winners because
their harvests are priced in dollars. They were further helped by drought
the United States last summer, which strengthened international grains
prices and helped compensate for inflation and a 20 percent tax that Mr.
Duhalde placed on agricultural exports. Agriculture accounts for almost 65
percent of exports.

      Losers were suppliers who had granted dollar financing, such as
Monsanto's Argentine operation, which reported a $150 million loss from
loans that had been converted from dollars into pesos, according to the
company. Monsanto now hedges currency swings with grains. "Grains are more
reliable than cash," said M·ximo V·zquez, a grains trader at Monsanto.

      The increasing popularity of corporate bartering reflects the
of the banking system among farmers. The mistrust spread after the banks
imposed severe limits on account withdrawals last year. Argentines lost
billions after their dollar savings were converted into pesos by government

      Banks have loosened restrictions, but many people are leery,
preferring to stash dollars at home or in banks abroad. The peso has lost
almost two-thirds of its value since January, although it has held stable
since June.

      Argentina's agricultural industry has all but abandoned banks.
the crisis, money flowed between farmers, banks and suppliers, but money
doesn't circulate like that anymore," said Mario Arbolave, editor of
M·rgenes Agropecuarios, an agricultural finance magazine. "The banks are
of the loop."

      Some farmers are holding onto their harvests, reluctant to deplete
what are essentially dollar-valued savings. "We have doubts about
Argentina's currency," said Mirta Pavicich, a farmer in CÛrdoba province.
"Grains in a silo are better than money in the bank."

      Rosario's Bolsa de Comercio, a grains exchange, calculates that
one-fourth of this year's soybeans have gone unsold; at this time last
just 10 percent remained.

      Many economists criticize barter, saying it hampers growth. "Only in
primitive economy does bartering work" without creating inefficiencies,
Jagdish Bhagwati, an economist at Columbia University.

      Others say the bartering trend in a modern country like Argentina is
worrisome partly because it is more expensive in the long run. Andres
Victorica, an economist and pricing analyst in the Buenos Aires office of
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, said the use of money reduces the cost of doing
business because of money's inherent convenience.

      "Bills are easier to carry around than beans and corn," he said. "If
go to the movies I can pay with cash - and not with grains."

      Still, in economically volatile Argentina, bartering has at times
appeared to be the only viable way to do business, and few expect the
swapping to ebb.

      "If a travel agency came to us and said they wanted to be paid with
corn I wouldn't be at all surprised," said Adri·n Seltzer, a trader at the
Buenos Aires office of Granar S.A., a grain brokerage firm.

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