I was informed today that Loaves and Fishes account at e-gold was
unceremoniously wiped out by some rascal. The password was compromised (not
by me) through one of those emails that have been going around. This
particular one stated that Loaves and Fishes was the recipient of some type
of fraudulent donation and should investigate.

The person who received it, being somewhat taken aback, either opened an
attachment or logged in to a fake e-gold site. I'm not sure of the details.
At any rate nothing was found amiss until the next time he checked and found
nothing at all.

My intent here is not to whine and complain, it's just that I know that a
lot of you take great
pains with security and all and you like to know who you are dealing with. I
can't imagine someone actually trying to outexchange directly from Loaves
and Fishes account but in just case anyone did receive some type of payment
from Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen you should be aware that it did not come
from us.

E-gold has been notified and say they are looking into the matter.

Merry Christmas and thanks for all your kind donations.


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