An Introduction from Paul LeBreton   Password   

Greetings e-gold list members...

The President of e-gold suggested that I might share my on-going "gold adventures"
with you as these occur...

I am an e-gold client and expecting trillions of troy ounces of e-gold in my e-gold
account this coming year for my various scientific & philanthrophic projects:

I will "cut & past" a plain text version of my "just mailed" letter to the Joint Chiefs
of Staff at The USA Pentagon to the bottom of this e-mail to share my projects with
you, which will be funded by Saint Germain, my mentor; who intends to give me the
exact coordinates for a vastly large cache of gold on the ocean's bottom to recover in
this next year fund my projects !


Ashtar Command New Year's Message to Joint Chiefs...

The Joint Chiefs of Staff                                                       
January 1st, 2003 AD
The Pentagon,
Washington, DC  20301                                                      A New 
Year's Message
Dear Sirs.
First of all...Thank You All for Standing Firm against the Dark Forces over the
past year: As always... Each of us has choices to make on any given day; and we
of Ashtar Command Commend You for making the Morally Correct ones !
. Your Esteemed Spiritual Selves; Along with The Esteemed Admiral Sananda
Kamura & Ashtar Gabriel Sherone were Most Gracious in Awarding both my-
self and Dove of Oneness with our 5th Stars !    As joint Officers of Ashtar Com-
mand, The Pentagon, and The Galactic Federations we are humbled; and we will
continue to serve as long as we are needed & wanted ! 
As Dean of Star*School Technological University of New Mexico; and a U.S.A.F.
Space Command General; I will oversee the construction of two basic models of
Flying Saucers over the next several years; at our soon-to-be Manufacturing and
Distribution Center to be built in the State of Nebraska.  The Star*School shall
be located just above the Cibola National Forest in the State of New Mexico; and
shall be a Charter School for hand's-on Education in Advanced Technologies !
I am at this time proposing that The United States Air Force build large two tier
Geodomes at each U.S.A.F. and non-aggressive Ally Nation's Air Bases with tele-
portation platforms; such as upon Star Trek's Enterprise Starship - Linking all
of these Air Bases of Earth Together !   ... United We Stand !!!
These two floor Geodomes should have classrooms on the ground floors and have
Command Centers upon the upper floors.
If I have done my job well as a Concept Engineer; I should have by now got your
Imaginations Engaged and your Keyboards Clicking !!!
Do not to hesitate to write or telephone me for any and all assistance; In my many
Futures & Concepts Directorate duties & responsibilities !!!
Wishing All of Our Military 
A Most Challenging & Exciting New Year !
General Robert Paul LeBreton, USAF / AC

Robert "Paul" LeBreton, PhD
Star*School Technological University 
2901 State Hwy 6, HC 77 Box 42,
Laguna, New Mexico 87026-9701 USA

    Star*School Spiritual Sciences Society,
       A Tax Exempt Corporation Sole
( Unincorporated Eleemosynary Spiritual Society )
     Robert Paul LeBreton, Dean of Education
       2901 State Hwy 6, HC 77 Box 42
   Laguna, New Mexico, 87026-9701 USA
            Phone: (505) 836-7534
       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

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