On 22 Jan 2003 at 16:55, Patrick Chkoreff, quoting the Anti 
Defamation League
> > ADL Alerts Federal Government Terrorists May Use "E-Gold" 
> > to Transfer Funds on Internet
> >
> > New York, NY, January 21, 2003 … As the government moves to 
> > freeze the finances of terror groups and their supporters, 
> > the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today alerted the U.S. 
> > Customs Service that terrorists may seek to conceal 
> > financial transactions using a unique form of online 
> > currency. The potential abuse by terrorists of e-gold, an 
> > Internet currency that enables deposits and transfers of 
> > precious metals using online trading accounts, "merits 
> > serious attention" by those government agencies who track 
> > sources of terrorist financing, said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL 
> > National Director.

The anti defamation league seems to be ticked off by E-dinar.

Some people see the full reserve business as antisemitic, as 
implying that Jews make money by unscrupulous and dishonest 
means.  They see e-gold's business model as antisemitic.

It seems to me that in a new, unregulated, and unstable 
financial environment, full reserve is the way that makes 
financial sense.

On the other hand it is probably true that some of the people 
who support e-dinar, support it because they see fractional 
reserve as a Jewish plot to rule the world through the evils of 
compound interest.

It may well turn out that Dubai, rather than New York, becomes
the financial center of the internet age, but if that happens,
it be because of excessive financial regulation. 

         James A. Donald

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