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On Thursday, January 23, 2003, at 05:22 PM, Joris Bontje wrote:

> With HTML / HTTP downloads you can't detect if a download is completed.
> You can redirect the user direct to a page though and let the
> download start when that page is loaded.

Glad to see we're thinking in the same direction.  On the same page, so 
to speak.

> If you put the following META tag in the the head element of your
> website, then the download will start automatically after 1 second:
> <meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content="1;
> URL=http://http://www.mysite.com/MyDownload.zip";>

Nice trick.

> It is smart to still put a link to the download on the 'thanks' page, 
> so
> the user can download it again if ze accidently pressed Cancel.
> ! Keep in mind that everybody can get the url of the download file
> from the source of the orderform !

Indeed, and when Annelie's site gets really successful she can hire a 
programmer to generate dynamic download file names, do refer-checking, 
etc.  Or just get a Perl book and figure it out herself.  :-)

Of course, even with this solution there's no way to stop people from 
just copying the already downloaded bits around.  I suppose if it were 
a really hot product it could eventually make it to a P2P sharing 
network and get swapped around.  But now we're getting into the whole 
question of "How do you sell a sequence of bits?"  :-)  Personally I 
find that an interesting question because that's all I sell for a 
living -- sequences of bits.

>> Is it possible to automatically initiate a second download after the 
>> first
>> download completed? (Stupid question, I guess!!)
> Since you can't trigger an event after a download is finished, doing a
> second one after the first isn't possible too.

Right -- all the more evidence for the intermediate Download Page.  
Thanks for the great info, Joris.

- -- Patrick

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