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On Tuesday 04 February 2003 21:56, you wrote:
> [doveofo] NESARA, Peace, & New U.S. Treasury Currency
> February 3, 2003  5:55 p.m. PST
> Fwd by Paul LeBreton   Password:
> Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,

Surely I am not the only one that finds this whole NESARA thing to be *very* 
scarry.  Assuming the information presented on these websites is accurate, 
this NESARA thing proposes to "restore constitutional rights", and the method 
it proposes to do that is to remove the existing US Presidency, congress, and 
senate, all at the same time, to be replaced with 'NESARA approved delegates' 
while 'a new election is held'.  The question on that alone is this:  What 
stops these people from simply not holding the election.  After all, these 
people now control all of the government with *NO* balance of power existing 
to ensure that complete control by one person is not possible.

Additionally, when searching google for 'White Knights', the first result is 
the Ku Klux Klan.  Am I the only one that thinks the idea of allowing this 
group to be in control of the government to be a completely foolish 
proposition?  The idea of handing over the government is unthinkable in the 
first place, but to hand it over to a racist, white supremacy faction is 

Regardless of the potential benefits of this thing, the dangers are very high.  
I would advise everyone to think very carefully on the impact that supporting 
such a dangerous group.

Matthew Schlegel
Golden Guesses Owner
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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