On 16 Feb 2003 at 18:40, Graham Kelly wrote:
> Our first planned program will require an investment of a
> minimum of $250k USD. There are approx. 400,000 funded
> accounts at e-gold, PLUS all the other ecurrencies.
> If all participated, $1 each (or less!) would be their
> investment! (We will accept gold, silver, platinum or
> palladium)

Only rich people with knowledge and connections should invest
in ventures.

Project investment is only worth doing if each investor does
his own due diligence, which means that each investor has a few
million he can afford to lose, has some connection to the
people behind the project and spends a few days looking old
wealthy friends in the eye, and chatting with them about the

Even with such precautions, most projects fail.

If you want to invest a or a few hundred dollars, you cannot
afford the due diligence, so you do not invest in a new
project, but in a long established enterprise that has a long
history of doing much the same things, and getting much the
same return out of it, or in a fund that invests in such things
for you, and is adequately audited to ensure it really is
investing in such things.

         James A. Donald

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