
I don't quite see how that chart demonstrates a
long term upward trend.

> If you have a look at the 6-year chart at
> [scroll down after it loads] you'll notice that
it could drop to as low as
> $326 per ounce and still be in a long-term
upward trend.

In order for prices to reach the $326 level, they
would have to break a few supports, including the
2 years old upward channel.
Also, $ 326 would be about Euro 296, which is
pretty unlikely too, as you could appreciate here

> As to the "I told you so" bragging rights, you
may or may not recall my
> post four weeks ago when I mentioned that gold
was rising too fast and
> urgently needs a correction to stay within
traditional trading ranges.

Good call. However, that was pretty obvious.

> At
> the same time I also mentioned that the longer
it took for the correction
> to come and the steeper the price rise befor it,
the longer a sideways
> trend would take.

Not necessarily

> This is pretty normal, beacuse once a
> upwards trend is stuck in an interim downward
trading channel most
> professionals and virtually ALL trading programs
take profits well before
> the last short-term high is reached again.
> So, yes, "I told you so" *smile*

My point is not the "I told you so".
It is about trying to understand what's going on
with Gold prices, and - if possible - help people
avoid taking long positions too early.
I suspect there are more and more new Gold
investors around.
The worst thing that could happen to them would be
to get burned (short term) for having taken
positions at the wrong time.


Any Gold, Any time, Anywhere

> Cheers,
> R.S.Z.

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