At 6:25 PM -0500 3/11/03, Corwind wrote:
>We dont have plasic coins here yet, but the plastic notes dont feel right,

Interesting you'd say that, paper feel IS important to lots of folks, I
guess. The only plastic coins I've tried were Boggs Sacagawea dollar
coins, which definitely wear better than their 'real' golden namesake!

>on top of that they arent all the same size, the $5 being the smallest in
>size and go up from there... Though at least they dont get destroyed when
>they go through the wash like the paper ones used to...

I think the size difference is for blind folks' benefit. Paper US dollars
survive washing pretty well, but now that pennies are mostly zinc
those of us who occasionally swim in the ocean can accidentally
make a weak battery, which stains pockets unless all your change 
was carefully removed. Change was more benign back when the
US mint used nobler metals in our coins. Silver sounds nicer on a
counter, too.

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