On Saturday 05 April 2003 08:39, you wrote:
> The question is, what do you do if you mistakenly fund the wrong account,
> especially for a large sum of several thousand dollars? Since E-Gold is a
> Non-Repudiable system, there is no way to recover your funds. You might ask
> the owner of the account to give it back, and they may or may not give it
> back to you, they are under no obligation. That is if you can even figure
> out who the owner of the account is.

You ask e-gold to forward a request for you.  While revealing account 
information is against e-gold policy, and rightly so, I don't think there is 
anything against them forwarding a request to the owner of an account.  
Wouldn't it be in both the best interest of e-gold, the person that sent the 
spend in the wrong place to begin with, and the other account holder, for 
e-gold to cooperate with a request to forward such a message to an account 
holder, when such action would prevent the need for legal action in most 

Perhaps it would be in our best interest if E-Gold added a messaging system 
similar to what e-bullion has in place.

Matthew Schlegel
Golden Knowledge

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