> Not-confusing e-gold customers matters VITALLY to me, though. They
> come from a world which has been overrun for decades with fiat money
> and weird ideas about what money really is, and this new experience is
> already confusing-enough for them, so please, for me, let's call the new,
> separate system by a new. less-confusing name: Repudigold!

As I said already, it does not matter to me what name you give it.
In private discussion I had been calling it rep-gold..

> Well, I sure notice when I'm using 1MDC!

Yes, probably, but this gives me the impression that I have not succesfully
explained what I am having in mind.
As far as I know you need to open an account with 1MDC, and you have to go to their
site when you want to do a 1MDC spend..
You have probably assumed that I am proposing something similar, with the
possibility to do repudiable payments between the repudigold accounts.
Not so. And that's why I am misunderstood. It is always so difficult to explain a
really simple idea.

To put it plain and simple: there will not be repudigold accounts.
And I could actually set it up that the buyers never see my website, even to do a
chargeback they will go to the merchant's site.
That's why the name doesn't matter at all, and that's why people using the system
will actually think they are using e-gold.
I cannot avoid it.
My system will simply facilitate repudiable spends between any two existing e-gold
accounts ,using the existing e-gold sci.
JPM is going on record that 'repudiable e-gold' is absolutely impossible, so now
again I will have to show him that the mechanics involved are actually very easy.
At least it is good to see he has wisened up already not to put any money on the
challenge :-)
No need to try, because I am watching French Open tennis in the afternoon, so it
will be hard to seduce me into producing a working repudiable spend page within 24

So let me tell you how a repudiable spend is going to work.
Just put aside all the ideas about the merits and advantages of repudiable and non
repudiable systems.
And forget for a moment about the practical solutions that can be put in place to
handle disputes.
That's a seperate discussion altogether.
And let just talk the bare bones system how a repudiable spend is going to happen
with e-gold!


James has won an auction bid for this vintage Caddilac that George is offering on
Both have e-gold accounts, but James want to be sure the car is in the condition
described on the site, not a heap of rusty metal.
So they agree James will do a repudiable spend using my system.

George has set up my repudiable spend page on his site.
James fills out the form , which is a special implementation of the e-gold shopping
card interface.
When James hits the "Order" button he is taken to the secure spend pages at
The only difference is that the "Pay to" field will not display George's e-gold
account name and number, but the e-gold account number of repudigold .
George's e-gold account number together with the choosen repudiation period
variable, will be stored in the custom input field, and also displayed in the
comments field so that James can check if everything is correct.

When James completes this e-gold spend, the redirect url will carry the custom input
field back to my server, so all necessary information to process this repudiable
spend is now stored in my database, and the gold is sitting in the repudigold
My server sends out confirmation emails to both James and George about this
James' email will contain further instructions, including the link to the page where
he has to go in case of problems.
George's email will contain all details about the transaction, and a link to a page
on repudigold site, where he can double-check that the payment is indeed there,
waiting to be forwarded into his e-gold account after the chargeback period expires.

Now my server will handle everything.
If all goes well, it will just spend this gold into George's e-gold account after th
e chargeback period expires.
If James goes to the complaints webpage he was given in the confirmation email,
that's where he can initiate the chargeback or the procedure leading to chargeback.
In the most simple implementation this will just be a page with a chargeback button,
when pushed my server will spend the gold back to James, provided the set chargeback
period was not exceeded.

In any case , at the end of the chargeback period, the e-gold has either gone to
George's account, or it has been spent back into James' account, if he has initiated
a chargeback.
And it has been fully automatic, no human intervention on the part of repudigold was
In fact I could drop dead, and as long as my server is up and my account working,
e-gold users will be able to do repudiable spends.

The costs are exactly double the normal e-gold fees, because two spends happen
before the e-gold arrives into George's account (or back into James' account).
But I would of course take a little fee for myself and make a profit here.

Obviously, you can add various whistlles and bells here and there. User statistics
can be provided.
The chargeback page can be customised in many ways, for example requiring the James
to fill a few forms before he can actually get to the chargeback button page. You
could add customer dispute service in between at this point.
Any good ideas you have to prevent fraud by the customer can be added.

I hope you have been able to follow the reasoning this far.

> >There will only be a page where he can go to do a chargeback.
> >
> And this is the part that troubles me. I get the feeling you'd like that
> page to have "e-gold.com" involved in it, and that's exactly the thing
> I DON'T want, at all, ever!

Obviously I won't need e-gold's help at any stage. Only ordinary run of the mill
e-gold spends are used during the procedure.
In fact this kind of repudiable spends could have been going on for years without
you people at e-gold even being aware of it.
It would be even difficult to detect it at your end, because the traffic at my
repudigold account will not look much different from thegoldcasino for example.

> >Repudiable payment, the seller (merchant) is taking the risks.
> >Non repudiable payment the buyer is taking the risks.
> Right, but until there was e-gold, option 2 literally DID NOT EXIST

I have never disagreed on that point, and that's why I have been using e-gold too,
from the very beginning..

> >So, I would not target the people that already have access to repudiable systems.
> >That would be competing with the established players indeed.
> >Just start with the others, which is probaly 80% or more of the world population.
> >
> Well, someone's always free to do that. I want that 80% to get used
> to the characteristics of Better Money, which include NONrepudiation.

That's exactly what would happen I think.
These 80% people signing up for an e-gold account inorder to be able to do the
repudiable spends I am proposing.
Next it will be small step for them to discover the merits of the non repudiable
payments they can do with it.

If you want to bring people from A to B, some people are going to discover B on
their own accord.
But you will bring many more people to B if you can actually go pick them up at A..

Replace A with 'repudiable' , and B with 'non repudiable', and you get what I

> I fail to see how Repudigold will benefit them as much as e-gold

Just let them find out on their own accord.
I am in favor of freedom of choice.
People want to do non repudiable spends with e-gold , fine.
Others want to do repudiable payments with it, equally fine.
It is their own responsibility.

> like I keep saying, those Repudigold employees aren't doing this as a
> charity for the unwise/unready who don't wish to research merchants'
> reputations before spending to them, they're doing it to make money.

I'll not have employees.
Maybe one to keep the server up.

> Repudigold fees are gonna be SUBSTANTIALLY higher, IMO.

Double the standard e-gold fees.

> >What do you mean by remote-giveaway-theft?
> The spam that tries to steal. I just got two "from Paypal" this AM. If
> 0.2% of spamees click on a fraud link (and I'm convinced the number
> is greater than that, by far!!) the criminal effortlessly steals their info.

This will be the problem of e-gold, not mine, because there are no repudigold
account numbers and passphrases.

Hope this clarifies the matter.



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