>>You  are  right. So, WHY does e-gold let dozens (or maybe HUNDREDS) of
>>e-gold accounts used for such scams ?

JMR> There are full time employees who repeatedly balance-limit
JMR> such accounts. Criminals are persistent. It's easy to demand
JMR> zero crime, but hard to cause it. So WHAT exactly should
JMR> e-gold do about this, besides what they're already doing?

What  I  want  point  is  that e-gold has often some strange attitude:
Putting  balance  limits  on  some accounts where people simply do not
WANT  to  tell about their address for "good reasons", and in the same
way, allowing massive scams as long as scammers simply pay for a "true
address" anywhere in the world (pay with e-gold :-)
Moreover,  when  a  new  e-gold  account suddenly receives hundreds of
payments,  from a website that is easily checkable, I think that it is
EASY to detect a scam !

And  I  am  sure  that e-gold has systems to detect such things on the
accounts.  So,  WHY  doesn't e-gold simply lock any account, regarding
the  nature  of  the  website ? Censorship ? No, simply the right of a
commercial company to avoid beeing involvd in scams !

And what I want also show is that there are 2 different attitudes: One
regarding  e-gold  that  "has  all  rights"  and  one  regarding  the
market-makers  that  are crucified as soon as they make the same thing
than e-gold (allowing scams).

>>Moreover,  when I see such "services" like e-told, that kindly promote

JMR> Here's another issue, should they censor such people. A
JMR> disagreement with their economic ideas shouldn't affect a
JMR> minority's ability to use e-gold, IMO. Many people I know have
JMR> minority views on a variety of economic issues.

Why  don't  you  at  e-gold  put  in  the "Directory", these wonderful
"investment" programs ? because you have some kind of morality  :)

E-told simply makes his money with advertizing for scams.

Moreover, when I read the e-told letter that somebody kindly sends me,
when I see e-told redactors writing "This program is strange, the
admin stopped replying since 2 weeks"...It makes me think "So, this is
a scam, BUT others are not, because the admin still replies"!

By  allowing  some  admins to publish their "results" every day before
they disappear, e-told is DIRECTLY involved in their scams.

JMR> They have none, all they have is a user agreement with the
JMR> ability to do certain things, like value-limit accounts to stop
JMR> obvious frauds. The characteristics of better money make it
JMR> attractive to a wide variety of individuals, including a few
JMR> greedy & bad ones. e-gold, as I've repeatedly said, is not a
JMR> legal system or a cop, it's just a currency. Expecting these
JMR> diverse functions (such as extensive investigation) from a
JMR> currency isn't logical (or even desirable, IMO).

IMO  anyway,  I  think  that people should be adult, and if they loose
what they earned bybeeing stupid, well... That's their problem.

But  so, no difference of treatment should be made between e-gold that
"isn't  a cop" and market-makers that "aren't cops". And who both make
profits from the scammers :-)

JMR> What, exactly, would you do to a "scam" like The Gold Casino?

The Gold Casino is a scam ? I don't know this Gold Casino, but I guess
that it is a ..casino, right ?

Casinos  are  games  where people know that they can win and loose. As
far as I know, nobody in casino promises only earnings.

Morevoer,  HYIPS  claim  to  INVEST  the  money,  despite  they invest
nothing,  and use it for their own needs. There is treachery here too.
Casinos announce some games, and users have some games. They have what
they pay for.

JMR> Remember, many of these couch themselves in the terminology of
JMR> games, not investing.

No, most of them claim to invest in some markets, etc. I don't speak
here about lotteries or other GAMES, that are GAMES and are really not

Mariman Center

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