Serious, I don't understand why people get away with attacking exchangers?

We do have some of the best brains subscribe to the list and between Katz
ourselves and a few others we have enough computer power to sink a
continent if we so choose.

A few weeks ago it was AnyGoldNow, recently GoldEx and now Metal-Escrow.
And these are only the more prominent cases we know about. Then come all
those shadowy creatures who set up spoof sites, highjack domains and

We are in Cyberspace and if we don't help ourselves and each other, who
will? By the time the cavalary arrives and makes more of a mess tahn
actually helping, the culprits are usually long gone.

As a host, I can tell you that we let a lot of stuff happen, because we
rarely look. After all, we are not the police and it's a free country and
all. But if someone spams he's off the box faster than he can click
"Send". And if he's messing with IP spoofing, runs an open scam that tries
to steal pass words or similar, then we have the nasty habit of
confiscating his domain name and send him packing unless he provides sworn
affidavits, certified IDs etc.

Now, why doesn't anyone hit people who waste exchangers' time where it
hurts them the most? Resetting a BIOS or two, mail bombing his provider,
frying a hard drive, etc. You'd be surprised how fast exchangers get a
reputation of 'not be messed with'.

How about it? Anyone up for a

Not that I'm saying I endorse lynch justice, because that would be
illegal, of course... To think that I'm a pacifist...


"In a bad world, good people use cruel tools of self-defence"
--- Queen Victoria

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