--- Naw man, c'mon, you are a programmer!!! If DBourse is a doughnut, then adding automatic funding is about as significant as adding instant, fresh home delivery!

an "sci form" is 1/1000th part of the programming of "a whole stock market" ... is what I meant.

You are desperate for the feature, so ipso facto there are people desperate for the feature -- fair enough.

Who can argue?

Why not write to them, tell us what they say
--- After my first reply from them basically consisted of the arrogant
statement that nobody else is as good as them and nobody else qualifies?
You got to be joking mate. I keep my accounts well funded and shark in
murky waters waiting for the price to drop a bit more.


My fear is only that if people are not happy with them ...

what the heck are you talking about, friend? Do you see how much MONEY they've raised in, what, 9 days? Holy shit!

that in the long run things will be more difficult for the guy who does launch the first fully automatic exchange with multiple listings etc., to find acceptance.

Apparently there were already two other such exchanges (accoriding to posters here), and they were total failures and disappeared.

After all, the second in line always pays for the sins of the first mover
for a while.

On a different note:
What would happen if someone had several accounts and was good friend with
a few others who had accounts and they would slowly, slowly by [buy ?]  the
majority of the available shares and then stop trading?

You're saying, what would happen if one person bought a lot of shares, and kept them, never wanted to sell? If that happens in a market, the price goes up, Rob


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