John wrote "For a real short position you would need the position to make $1
for every $1 drop in the price of gold, and it would have to move in a 1:1
ratio." is better (for those trying to limit their losses) than and www.xodds.xom because clients speculate on forex,
they are not betting, so the losses are smaller... plus they allow people to
spend even just 1 USD. Sure, you don't get 1:1 for investment:return, but
you get 1:1 for return:losses if you have bad luck, which is much more

The problem is that they have more complicated payment choices. I asked if I
could pay with egold and they said "We do accept checks from e-gold provided
they are in your name and from your Account". That puzzled me! I am not
aware of such possiblity, but I didn't insist because at this time I am just
asking around. Does anyone know what this "checks from e-gold" means?

Personally, I understand *egold investment* only as playing on OANDA, BOM or
XOdds. Of course, you have to get involved in the investment, but you can
get a moderate 1% per day return that HYIPs "give". As for shares that can
be bought with egold, well, I would get better returns from a bank, without
the risk that come with "gold" shares. We'll see that in 10 years... :)

Robert wrote: "Right now there is a guy who is trying for three days to sell
a larger amount of e-gold, but he doesn't know whom to trust and indeed is
reluctant to do the spend at -1%"

Shouldn't he trust OmniPay for such large amounts?

George Hara


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