Sorry James, I still don't see your logic. Just because for ages everybody
believed that the Earth was flat and burnt people who had a different
opinion, didn't make the world flat.

But, that aside, you don't seem to fathom that merchants think
differently. I am a merchant, NOT an exchanger. And no, speaking for
merchants if I may, we couldn't care less how many people get paid to read
emails unless they spent their e-gold with us. So, no matter how excited
you are about 100,000 account holders making a quarter of a gram a day,
they can not sustain a mini-economy over time - unless your concept of
economy is limited to paying promoters, paid readers and exchanger, of
course ;o)

I just have a different outlook than you and am making suggestions about
what I think may be a good way to fix it. Let's just say that I try to
think big and look into the future, while you look at last weeks stats
calculate and project.
If you look at e-gold's long term stats, then we have peaked about 18
months ago and lost momentum ever since. Sure there are little surges [a
new reader program?], but you seem to act like an economist that still has
the price of vinyl records and hoolahoops in the shopping basket he uses
to calculate inflation rates.

Talk to 'real' merchants - if you find any. Ask shopping site operators
who accept e-gold AND other forms of payments about the trends in their
sales to people using e-gold. In an economy of any size, everything is
related and connected. As merchants fall by the way side, less and less
people will use e-gold to buy goods, and although I would have never
thought that it would come to that - I am starting to agree with "Nicole"
- e-gold is more and more frequented by gamers, mini investors and small
non-consequential consumers.

Now, I have been trying to make my point to the excess - and apart from
you nobody has disagreed in principle as yet. And I got only one flame
privately as yet, which my lowest ratio ever. Mails that support my point
are coming in from the most unexpected quarters and I'm starting to wonder
if e-gold  (JAY!!!) is taking note. Maybe I do have a point here? Maybe
something is just about to go awfully wrong and I just happened to point
it out a bit earlier than others?

Quite frankly, everybody, where are the merchants? Where did the people
who sold tangible goods for e-gold go? Without more merchants there is no
reason for new entrants besides some fancy program that pushes them to use
There are huge prospects in India and China - where are the merchants that
sell something those people want? How do I explain to someone who is
perfectly happy to use US$ that he should loose 3-5% to get e-gold and
then loose 1-2% to get dollars again because, for crying out loud - THERE

And to get a larger variety of goods, you have to atrract merchants, not
readers. If there are merchants, there will be buyers - who knows, some
readers might strike it rich.

And yes James, I am making this point because I'd like to make more money
- but at nobody's expense. Im happy to pay the difference through high
outexchange fees, myself.
> PS Everyone gets 7 messages/day, including me.

I know, it's a bitch, isn't it?


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