James, you didn't understand me. There is no egold on any card! You don't
have to worry about the security of the egold because it is all on your

The card is a simple key, it contains just a user name and a password. When
you go into a shop, the card is put into the E-gold device and you punch in
the cost in USD (for example). The device sends the transaction to the
E-gold system (the site) together with the two accounts (user name and
password): the buyer's and the merchant's. No one but the device knows the
passwords, which are read from the (secure) cards. Thus, the transfer of
money is performed in USD, just as if the buyer would spend "USD worth" from
his very own computer. The conversion in grams of gold is performed by the
E-gold system, as usual.

"If the merchant already has an e-gold account I see no need to involve a
plastic card"

You need to have a card only for "real life merchants" because this way the
user doesn't have to remember or to write his password, and so take any
risk of the password being intercepted.

The balance limit is put only for the E-gold accounts associated with the
debit cards, but is not required; however, you should have a special
attribute for these accounts, in your computers. Still, if someone tampers
with the E-gold device and intercepts the buyers password, the E-gold system
must now not to transfer out of the account too much money in one day... or
you can just tell the user not to fund his debit card account with too much
money at a time. Of course, the card has to be secure, just as a normal
credit card is, and destroy itself if there is any attempt to tamper with

There is no need for GSR to compete with those who fund other cards with
egold, because these businesses can simply transform into a network of
distributors of the E-gold debit card and the authentication device.
Besides, this way they can directly be a part of the system.

I started this because if E-gold becomes... big, I would prefer to go to a
shop with my E-gold card instead of another credit / debit card. This card I
can fund myself by simply transferring egold from my usual account to the
debit card's account. This way, all my spending money are in one place, and
I (as a buyer) have to pay no comission to a credit card company. I simply
buy the debit card, and the merchant buys the authentication device (which
can be programmed with his "real life merchant" account, or he uses another
card - a " real life merchant" card).

... And even more, I can use this card in any country, in any currency!

George Hara


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