Dear Mark,

I wasn't aware of the prize package for spotting
items for correction in your messages.

It has come to my attention that Federal Reserve
Notes, in spite of the legend that they bear, are
not legal tender.  I reveal this amazing truth based
on two clear items of evidence.

First, in a recent case involving a computer retailer
in Houston who refused to accept Federal Reserve
Notes but insisted on payment by credit card, the
Secret Service was contacted.  They indicated that
there was no law requiring that Federal Reserve Notes
be accepted by any retailer.  I was impressed.

Second, there is a clear lack of constitutional
authority for any thing but gold and silver coin
to be made a tender in payment of debt by anyone
other than the people of the USA, individually
and severally.  There is a prohibition in Article
1, Section 10 against any state making anything
else a tender in payment.  There is no specific
language empowering the federal government to make
anything else a tender in payment.  And there is
an admonition in the Tenth Amendment that any
power which is prohibited to the states and not
delegated to the national government is reserved
to the people.

OR (and here is an off topic JD I know you will really like)
or when Hudson started the ball rolling turning the color of
The River Valley into brown and gray, oh sorry.

Yes, Roar Lion Roar, and wake the echoes of the Hudson valley. Fight on to victory evermore...indeed.

Thank you for that information.
Is there an order page you can point too?

There are two: and

Wells do ya'll honestly educate a bullion buyer if

I think so, to the best of our ability.

Do ya'll bid on the floor of a major auction for a
client or on line 24/7?

I believe "no" is the answer you already knew.

would you sell a clients bullion for them on modest

We have.

Do you offer your coins on your own auction site,
or others?

We don't offer much on for various reasons, mostly owing to constraints of time.

Do you fulfill want lists- special requests, sometimes
over the course of years?

We have only been provided with a small number of for sale lists. I've tendered these to another dealer in the area of each seller.

Are you an honest Dealer?

I believe so.

Because we both know 99% of coin dealers would kill
their own, well never mind.

I guess that I have been blessed not to know any such dealers.

e-gold and bullion coin is a tough mix, something about
tangible hard money assets not perfectly transferring
into gold coin e-downloads

I think you may remember way back when e-gold would accept gold coins in bailment.

But I Have found that un acceptable since #107245.
and while JD, you and I wish this on no one,
the tangible asset can transfer into a $10,000 loaf
of white bread.

There will be a day, I think, when bread cannot be bought for any quantity of Federal Reserve Notes.

After, and to coin a phrase of Mr. K. Ledbetter
"'The Dollar Wars' will culminate in The Space War.
then we will have the pleasure of experiencing The Good Years."

I am flabbergasted by this proposal to require a stamp on currency with an associated tax of 1% per month. The idea that the Federal Reserve would wish to implement a negative 12% interest rate on money is bizarre. I'm reminded of another Stamp Act which cost King George III his colonies in much of North America.

I am tickled gold color yellow you also noticed!

Well, at least you aren't one of those pinkos. <grin>

Noo Yawlk Hea!
Daaaa Yankees Won!

Now, remind me. It isn't the World Series, so it doesn't really matter. But, the Yankees play that game baseball, isn't it? With the spheroid that is stitched oddly and struck with some piece of pine wood, sometimes with cork inside? And there are nine men to a side, but when there are three outs, the in side goes out and the out side goes in, and then there is the bottom of the inning?

I was never much good at sports.



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