Jim Davidson just pointed out to me that "debit card" generates confusion,
and it should be "smart card". So, I rename my "baby" to "E-gold smart card"

This system should be tightly integrated with the E-gold systems because of
security reasons, though it's not mandatory.

For example, each EGSC has to be programmed with an E-gold account number
from which the egold is to be transfered to the E-gold account of the "real
life merchant" (RLM). The programming of the EGSC should be done in the
factory. E-gold could reserve, for ESGC, the account numers from 1 to 2
billions. This way, the E-gold system knows that egold can be transfered
only into such an account, or out of it but only to the account of a RLM;
this is just an extra security measure, it's not mandatory.

On the other side, the merchant programms his E-gold authentication device
(EGAD) with his RLM account and a default currency (in which transactions
are done "worth of").

It is not necessary for E-gold to participate into such an action, but it is
necessary to involve it at least for reserving the EGSC account numbers. The
best markets for EGSC are those that don't easily obtain credit / debit
cards because of impossible terms or fraud. With egold there is no worry
since the system is non-repudiable.

I have to say that I have no material or technological means to make this
happen, I just have ideas. I know that there is a guy in Asia, also named
George Hara, who seems to be a millionaire, but I'm not him :( ... yet ;)

George Hara


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